Dear NIOS Friends and Supporters,
Summer is here. To celebrate, Not In Our School has joined forces to fight bullying with Kitarah, Maverick, and Mateo, amazing artists from KutRoc Records for the Summer Youth Keep Your Head Up Campaign. Click here for your FREE download of the Keep Your Head Up package!
And please enjoy this very special word from them:
We are three artists from Kutroc Records who are excited to make waves with the national anti-bullying program, Not In Our School. We are launching the “Keep Your Head Up” campaign with Not In Our School! The campaign is UP to prevent bullying and inspire young people everywhere to become upstanders.
What’s that? Upstanders are legendary! They keep their heads up when they see bullying in order to speak up and stand up for each other. Find out about it: We have some awesome social media activities planned this summer and going on through October, which is Bullying Prevention Month, and it keeps going on through the whole year!
You’ve got to hear our song – it’s an original – “Keep Your Head Up!” It’s talking to you – YOU are the upstander who can stop bullying wherever you see it! YOU can be positive and kind. Help us reach millions of young people. Share the song, the video, and all this great stuff from @Kutroc (www.kutroc.com) and Not In Our School (www.NotInOurSchool.org)!
#Kutroc Artists

This powerful video produced by Not in Our School shares moving anti-bullying stories and features the song, "Keep Your Head Up," from KutRoc Records.