#Take the Pledge! Be an UPstander
End this year's Bullying Prevention Month with music.
This year for bullying prevention month, Not In Our School urges young people and adults to “Take the Pledge [1]” to stand up to bullying and intolerance.
I pledge to stand up to all forms of hate, bigotry and bullying. I will not stay silent in the face of intolerance based on race, ethnicity, sexuality, gender, religion, ability or any other factor. I will work together with my neighbors to create safer, more inclusive communities for all.
We have created a lesson plan that delves into the meaning behind the words of the pledge. Click here to download this free lesson plan [2].
Music can be a powerful tool, and what better way to take a stand for safer schools than through music? Hip hop artists from KutRoc Records have taken the time to share what the pledge means to them in the video below:
Join us and make a statement to share with your family, friends, neighbors, and communities. Take the pledge today! [3]
The above video features youth voices speaking up against bullying, set to the song "Keep Your Head Up [4]" by Kutroc Records. The song and video encapsulate the spirit of the Not In Our School movement: inspiring hope and motivating people to be upstanders as a force for change. It features youth from Tennessee, Mississippi, California, New Jersey, Iowa, Ohio, Massachusetts, and New York.
Both the original song and the new remix version are available as an mp3 download (itunes) or physical CD (amazon) order, and a new reggae remix [4] has just been released to share with students.
Create a school climate of safety, respect and inclusion
with these innovative solutions to bullying
Take advantage of the Bullying Prevention Month Half-off Sale! Buy the NIOS Video Action Kit [7] today.
Mateo, Kitarah, and Maverik are amazing artists from KutRoc Records who have partnered with NIOS for the last three years with their very popular original recording, “Keep Your Head Up”! They also have been giving anti-bullying presentations to schools across the Northeast. Their goal is to to prevent bullying and inspire young people everywhere to become Upstanders.
KutRoc Records is a record label founded in 2010 by avid music fan and executive producer, Luis Medina.