In addition to our films, we would like to introduce you to the Not In Our Town community of leaders like you who are working for vibrant, diverse communities where hate crimes are not just responded to, but prevented; and where people work together to address the everyday issues of intolerance.
First time on the site? Here's how you can get started:
Check our our how-to section for a step-by-step tutorial [1] on how to sign up and join or start groups on
A story can open up a conversation with neighbors
Can a film help people change their town? Yes it can. The original Not In Our Town film is a perfect example. Now, there are more than 60 films on [2] that can be downloaded for free and used in community meetings.
Here are a few videos to get you started:
Wear a Hijab Day [3], Fremont, CA
Adams Unity Coalition Responds to Hate [4], Gettysburg, PA
A Novel Approach to Talking About Diversity [5], Fort Collins, CO
Local Lessons [6] provide first-person accounts of how people across the country are addressing intolerance and building safe, inclusive communities.
Three popular Local Lessons:
Community Responses to Hate Groups: Videos
[7]Turning Hate into an Opportunity for Community Building
[8]Not On Our Campus: Resources for College Students [9] hosts a map of local communities that are taking action to stop hate together. [10]
The map [10] shows us where hate crimes are happening, but more importantly, it's a place to find stories of people standing up to intolerance. Click on the red dots to learn about acts of hate. Click the green dots to view videos and stories of how individuals and groups are responding.
You can learn about actions from Not In Our Town Groups [11] in communities around the country
There are amazing local organizations that are already engaged in community-building and anti-hate activities.
Check out these vibrant groups:
Not In Our Town Billings [12]
Not In Our Town Princeton
[13]Fort Collins Not In Our Town Alliance
If your group, school, civic leaders, city, or public television station wants to share events, photos, videos and ideas, form or join a group [11].
There are so many obstacles that can stop us from taking action. But the people in the stories you¹ll find here didn't stop when they faced a painful or difficult moment. Join them in the anti-hate movement.
If you have questions about how the site works, we're here to help. Feel free to email our team [15].