The purpose of the site, Bullying Statistics, is to help educate the public on bullying issues; such as school bullying, workplace bullies, bullying teachers, adult bullies, and more.This site offers information on those seeking therapy or treatment for bullies and/or their victims.
The Department of Education maintains a comprehensive website with resources on identifying, responding and combating bullying and cyberbullying. The site offers statistics, research and practical advice for students and parents.
Ahead is a national organization that fights to provide help and services to students with disabilities in higher education. They work towards empowering students through education, awareness and lobbying. Their website offers resources for students about ways to best transition into college with a physical disability.
Website for the National Pan-Hellenic Council of the Divine Nine. This website lists the top nine African American Greek Organizations and their perspective Universities.
ING is a non-profit organization that counters prejudice and discrimination against American Muslims by teaching their traditions and contributions in the context of America's history and cultural diversity, while building relations between American Muslims and other groups. In an effort to stop bullying and spread awareness, ING hosts interfaith speakers, panels, and training, spreading awareness of Islam and connecting with other religious organizations.
The JCLE is an organization that focuses on uniting Jewish college students with their heritage and introducing them to local Jewish professionals and communities. The JCLE helps teach Jewish students about the history and accomplishment of Judaism.
The NALFO promotes the advancement of Latino fraternities and sororities. NALFO shares a commitment to fraternal unity, family values and empowering Latino and underserved communities.
MSA National is an unifying group for Muslim students from diverse backgrounds coming from all over the world. The MSA meets the needs of Muslim youth on campus by providing them a safe environment to socialize while on campus. The goal of the MSA is to help educate and introduce Islam into local communities by creating events such as the Fast-a-Thon and Project Downtown.
Reducing Stereotype Threat is a research site with articles and strategies on stereotype threat and negative stereotypes. The site offers suggestions for reducing the negative consequences of stereotyping, particularly in academic settings and strategies to address negative impacts.
An organization of educators, academics and Psychologists dedicated to researching ways to make higher education a more inclusive environment for all students. This website contains resources and discussion over combating racism in schools and how to fight against it. Includes programs: Taking Action Against Racism and Racism in the Media.
Think College is the national coordinating center for college students looking for financial aid, by connecting them to twenty seven transition Postsecondary Education Programs for Students with Intellectual Disabilities (TPSID). The site also offers up to date research, statistics, training, and professional services for intellectually disabled students and their parents.
This website offers a collection of educational resources and information on prejudice, discrimination, multiculturalism and diversity, with the ultimate goal of reducing the level of intolerance and bias in contemporary society.
The URI is an international interfaith based nonprofit group dedicated to promoting interfaith cooperation, ending religious violence, and creating interconnected cultures focused on peace and reconciliation. URI does this by implementing Interfaith Cooperation Circles (CCs), groups of people who work together to address the most pressing issues in their respective communities.
UNITED SIKHS is a UN-affiliated, international non-profit, humanitarian relief, human development and advocacy organization, aimed at empowering those in need, especially disadvantaged and minority communities across the world.
The End to Cyberbullying Organization (ETCB) provides college students and their parents with information on combating cyberbullying both online and off. The ETCB focuses on providing legal advice, teaching prevention techniques, advocate training, and providing a safe online presence for students.
Circle of 6 is an app for Ipod and Android that allows users to alert friends quickly if they find themselves in an unsafe situation. This app connects users with six of their closest friends, and can be set to automatically send out a distress call with exact coordinates if the user is unable to access their phone for any reason. This app was initially created in India to combat social and domestic violence by creating a safe and aware community.
A domestic violence program dedicated to eradicating violence in all forms of family. Producers of the book and film “Raised on Fear” EVE campaigns to educate and support survivors of domestic violence and to encourage students to work towards spreading prevention awareness.
Love is Respect, is a website for college aged students looking for dating advice and community help. It offers basics on: healthy dating, preventing and spotting violent relationships, advice on leaving partners, and creating safety plans. The site also provides readers with legal services, national dating statistics, and online counseling services.
The NCADV is a national group devoted to fighting against domestic violence and sexual assault. Their website contains a number of resources about combating domestic violence, recovering from assault, and prevention training. NCADV works on the local level to help create communities that are dedicated to eradicating domestic violence in their areas.
RAINN is a national hotline that connects victims of sexual assault with resources and centers in their local area so they can receive immediate help and assistance. RAINN’s website provides events, campus safety training, activism resources, and volunteer opportunities for college students.
The Line Campaign, is a non-profit organization and movement that is committed to empowering young leaders to create a world without sexual violence. They create critical dialogues and original media to inspire action and work towards developing leadership among diverse groups of people reaching and mobilizing them in their communities. They are connected with Circle 6.
Creators of the film HAZE, Gordie’s Call is an organization that campaigns against alcoholism and its connection to hazing in college. The center creates and distributes numerous resources against alcohol abuse in college, training to stand up against hazing, teaches students about alcohol poisoning and signs to watch out for, and educates new students on the dangers of hazing.
Hazing, the creators of National Hazing Prevention Week, is a national organization that empowers students to prevent hazing in college by providing education, resources, webinars, and training to combat and stop college organization hazing.
Educating to Eliminate Hazing. provides resourecs for students and parents to combate hazing, debunk myths, and prevent abuse in college.
Accredited Schools Online has partnered with the Point Foundation and Dr. Deb Cohan, two experts in the field of building awareness and support of the LGBTQ community, to create a large and comprehensive resource guide for LGBTQ students. This guide includes links to anti-bullying resources, scholarships, and other information about creating a safe college environment and experience for LGBTQ students.
Campus Pride is a national organization for student leaders and campus groups who are dedicated to creating a safe environment for LGBTQ students.
GLSEN is the leading national education organization focused on ensuring safe schools for all students, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity/expression. GLSEN provides school-based programming and training, conducts research and sponsors campaigns such as Day of Silence and No Name Calling Week
Producers of films like Straightlaced and It’s Elementary, Groundspark creates films and educational campaigns to move communities to take action against homophobia in schools. Creators of the Respect for All project, Groundspark provides educators and students with the tools needed to put on presentations and events at their schools, providing curriculum guides and discussion questions for students.
The It Gets Better project's mission is to tell LGBTQ youth around the world that, It Gets Better, and to create and inspire the change needed to make a difference. The organization was created for adult LGBTQ people to post videos, share coming out stories, and provide encouragement for the younger generation. Their goal is to let teens and children know that suicide is not the answer, and as you grow up, It Does Get Better.
Point Foundation seeks the partnership of philanthropic individuals, corporations, and foundations to supply financial support, professional guidance and a network of contacts for undergraduate, graduate,and postgraduate students. Their mission is to empower LGBTQ students to achieve their full academic and leadership potential.
Transgender Health Program is a resource for medical and psychological issues related to the transgender community. It includes multiple downloadable PDF's, articles and links to extensive databases of trans-related materials.
Active Minds is a national organization that empowers college students to publicly discuss mental health in order to educate others and encourage those looking for help. Active Minds web-site provides mental health information, leadership opportunities, and advocacy training to college students around the country.
Stop Stigma, or SAMHSA is an online resource center created to promote acceptance, dignity and social inclusion associated with Mental Health. SAMHSA works to end the stigma associated with mental health services by providing information and resources for those suffering with mental disease.
The AAS works to prevent suicide by advancing the school of suicidology by encouraging the study of suicide behaviors, prevention strategies, and public awareness.
The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) is a leading non-profit organization exclusively dedicated to preventing suicide. The AFSP provides resources, prevention awareness and local chapter help for those struggling with suicide.
Creators of the Love is Louder Campaign, the Jed Foundation promotes ensuring emotional health and suicide prevention amongst college and university students. Their site provides students and professors with information and tools to combat college suicide. The Jed Foundation also supports a site called Transition Year which, provides information for new college students about maintaining good emotional health and getting assistance if they already have a diagnosed mental health condition.
The SPRC is the only federally supported resource center devoted to suicide prevention and awareness. Their website offers materials used to increase suicide prevention for both professional and private use.
WBI is a U.S organization that is dedicated to ending workplace bullying by combining help for individuals, research, books, public education, training for professionals-unions-employers, legislative advocacy, and consulting solutions for organizations.The WBI offers workers information on how to combat bullying, and provides both legal and therapeutic options for fighting back against abusive work environments.
Nonprofit risk offers a free online workplace safety toolkit guide book on addressing bullies in the workplace. The group offers information about bullies, workplace safety, and risk management strategies for victimized employees.
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National Suicide Prevention Hotline
24/7 crisis hotline
National Sexual Assault Hotline
24/7 crisis hotline for sexual Assault
Trevor Project Lifeline
24/7 crisis hotline for LGBTQ youth