This publication from Religions for Peace USA provides a guide for hosting or attending "A Seat at the Table" dinners: gatherings that aim to open conversations between different faiths and cultures.
An excerpt from the guide:
A Seat at the Table are small, informal gatherings of people of all faiths and cultures who get to know one another and their faiths. Religions for Peace USA believes that these conversations - intentionally planned out and well facilitated - can be transformative. The opportunity to get to know your neighbor of a different fiath helps to dispel misinformation and stereotypes.
What follows is a detailed instruction on how Religions for Peace USA imagines these dinners to be carried out. Included is the necessary information on setting up a dinner, facilitating the conversation, and follow-up with guests. It was developed as a part of the Our Muslim Neighbor initiative. For more information on that program see
Download the guide here at or at the Know Your Neighbor website.
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