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The message of NIOT is Reaching the Classrooms and Schools of Bloomington-Normal, IL By Marc Miller, NIOT Bloomington-Normal Member It’s parent night at at the neighborhood elementary school. Children, their parents in tow, rush from room to room, excited to show off their drawings and projects. Parents, anxious to know more about their children’s progress, take in the posters and decorations as they move from class to class....
A Deputy Attorney General Reflects on the Power of NIOTBy Paul Sheridan, Deputy Attorney General for the Civil Rights Division of the West Virginia Attorney General's Office "All that is necessary for the forces of evil to win in the world is for enough good men to do nothing." Edmund Burke Addressing hate crime closer to the roots is a particular challenge for law enforcement officials, because it takes them...

A Family Member of a Transgender Victim Speaks OutQ & A with Imelda Guerrero Editor’s Note: In 2002, Gwen Araujo, a 17-year-old transgender teenager, was brutally beaten to death by a group of young men from Newark, California, when they discovered her transgender identity. Not long after her disappearance, her body was found in a shallow grave in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada mountains. As her...

A Grandmother Reflects on the Needs and Recovery of her Victimized GranddaughterBy Mae Lois Turner, Shasta County Citizens Against Racism Editor's Note: When an African-American resident of the small Northern California town of Anderson woke one winter morning to an 8-foot-tall burning cross on her lawn, the flames were within feet of the victim's house. If the burning cross had fallen, it would have very likely set her house...

How One Mother Used the Attack Against her Family to Teach her Children Never to Hide from Hate
Q & A with Tammy Schnitzer
Editor’s Note: In the early 1990s, Tammy Schnitzer, a fourth generation Montanan, began chronicling a series of hate motivated threats and attacks against the small Jewish community in Billings, MT. A recent convert to Judaism and new congregant of Congregation Beth Aaron, Schnitzer was...

Lessons for Engaging Diverse Youth in Hate Crime PreventionBy Willie Halbert, NIOT Bloomington-Normal Member What I love most about our the Bloomington-Normal Not In Our Town group is that we are a grassroots group of volunteers, in which no one holds an office or title. We came together in December of 1995 after viewing the PBS special about the racist and religious-motivated attacks in Billings, Montana. We could not believe what...

How Staff and Students at UC Riverside Are Working To Build a Safer and More Inclusive CampusBy Kate McLean, NIOT.orgWhen uninvited guests began showing up at the University of California at Riverside campus engaging in what they call “confrontational evangelism,” university staff and students struggled with what to do with their disruptive and upsetting message. “They carry big signs that basically say, ‘all...