By Liz Welch, Fair is Fair Montana
Hate is not a Montana value. Montana families are open and inclusive. Bozeman churches do not want to be associated with hate and negativity. Why then did the Westboro Baptist Church chose Bozeman to show their unique and highly offensive brand of free speech and anti-gay sentiment?
According to an interview with Shirley Phelps on a local radio station, Westboro Baptists (WBC) decided to picket at Montana State University and Bozeman High School because “You offer PhD’s in rebellion against god. You’re those high schools that’s a social club – a way to socially engineer those children into full on …living off rebellion.” (We don’t understand it either.)

Many felt like the best thing to do was to completely ignore the small of amount of protestors they actually brought. The idea that when no one listens to them, then they will stop their attention seeking behavior was echoed multiple times across social media as well as lunch counters in Bozeman. On the other side, there were those who felt like anything short of full engagement was not making a strong statement on the depth of Bozeman’s commitment to diversity and inclusion. There were also ideas of a flash mob of dancing drag performers, a clown brigade, a ‘kiss in,” a drive-by egging, and more. Fortunately, cooler heads prevailed.
Fair is Fair Montana (ACLU of Montana), Montana Human Rights Network, Forward Montana, Montana Organizing Project, the Gallatin Interfaith Alliance, and Associated Students of MSU met with faith leaders, community activists, allied organizations, local merchants, student groups and concerned parents to formulate a response. Over two weeks, the plan for an alternative event to be staged away from the WBC protest took form. Organizers worked diligently from multiple directions to coordinate with campus officials, local law enforcement, media and city departments creating the ‘Ice Cream. You scream. We ALL scream for Equality” event.

The next day, Monday, Sept. 9, a rally was held on campus complete with music, speakers representing local veterans, faith communities, LGBT advocacy groups, a trans rights organization, the Queer Straight Alliance and student government. The rally drew approximately 1,500 to the center of MSU – away from the WBC’s own protest. Rally participants then marched a short distance to Cooper Park where ice cream was served by the staff of both Nova Café and Wild Joe’s Coffee House as a gift to the community.
By the time all was said and done, over 1,500 scoops of Montana made ice cream were served and more than 700 signatures of support for fairness were signed. Photos of supportive Bozemanites are flowing in. However, the real win in the event was the multiple comments of the community members in support of a celebration of inclusion and fairness. KBZK caught the reactions for their morning newscast.

And isn’t feeling safe and loved a basic human right?
(Featured image courtesty of Just for Fun Photography – Bozeman, MT)
This article originally appeared on Republished with permission.
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