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April 18, 2011 - 11:47am
Daisy Renazco, Gunn High School Mathematics Teacher/GSA Advisor   I love Not In Our Schools (NIOS) week for so many reasons! :-) The main reason being that this week provides students and teachers an opportunity to talk about topics that can be emotional, as well as sometimes uncomfortable. As a result, these conversations end up bringing our school community closer to one another. We are willing to share with each other a little bit more, our conversations are a little more thoughtful, and the goal of teaching the “whole child” is really being done during this week.  
April 15, 2011 - 3:44pm
Los Angeles Lakers guard Kobe Bryant's anti-gay slur to a referee at Tuesday night's game has caused a stir. Though Bryant has apologized, he's appealing the NBA's $100,000 fine. Former gay NBA player John Amaechi responded to Bryant's slur in a New York Times NBA Blog post. He wrote: "Kobe Bryant isn’t some great, bigoted monster, as some have implied, but he isn’t the innocent victim of some overblown one-off incident about a word that’s 'not even that bad,' either. This controversy is not a storm in a teacup turned into a vendetta by loony liberals, as many in the sports world seem to think. What our heroes say and do means something — and in an America where sports stars carry more influence and in some cases more credibility than senators, what they say matters more than ever."
April 13, 2011 - 11:18am
Pat Skillen Receives Love Hero Award for LGBTQ Support & Advocacy “I can’t change the world by waving a magic wand, but I do hope that I can change one person at a time by making them think about their values.” —Pat Skillen
April 11, 2011 - 4:34pm
Some exciting announcements for Spring:
April 6, 2011 - 10:52am
An Interview with activist Alina Verhofskaya