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April 14, 2014 - 8:15am
Not In Our Town Bowling Green/BGSU is celebrating its first anniversary! We'll be joining Bowling Green, Ohio on Tuesday, April 15 to commemorate BGSU and the city of Bowling Green’s decision to come together to ensure inclusion, diversity, and social justice thrives in their community. The event will begin with a Diversity Showcase hosted by the Undergraduate Student Government and Graduate Student Senate with performances from singers, instrumentalists, rappers and spoken word poets. Later on we’ll be Breaking Down The Walls in the Bowen-Thompson Student Union where you can join others telling their story, filling out a brick and breaking down the barriers to leave the past behind.
April 11, 2014 - 11:26am
Redding honors community leader Eddie McAllister The president of the Shasta County Citizens Advocating Respect (SCCAR)—a Not In Our Town group—was honored by Leadership Redding with its Alumnus of the Year Award. Eddie McAllister was selected for his outstanding community involvement, according to the Redding Record-Searchlight.
April 9, 2014 - 5:23pm
Livia Thomas and I met in 2012 when she sent on a note of desperation about a bullying incident at her elementary school. Principal Judy Nye and Livia were terribly concerned that their well-managed and peaceful Grimmer Elementary School had ongoing bullying that had not been reported, while hosts of students were negatively impacted. Grimmer’s situation is not uncommon. Students often are afraid or ashamed to tell adults about being bullied. Dr. Jonathan Cohen, Director of the National School Climate Center, says that in numerous cases, bullying is not reported while staff are oblivious that a calm exterior masks terrible incidents of bullying, teasing, and intolerance.
April 9, 2014 - 2:35pm
Several Palo Alto, CA schools host Not In Our School weeks this month, devoting time to recognizing and combating discrimination and stereotypes. Not In Our School (NIOS) has been present at Gunn High School for 12 years. While Gunn promotes acceptance and awareness to its students year-round, the NIOS week allows students to actively think about these topics and participate in assemblies and activities with classmates. Gunn’s theme is “We’re all in this together,” according to Palo Alto Online.
April 8, 2014 - 1:32pm
In March, we brought the inspiring story of Oak Creek, WI's unity in the aftermath of a hate crime to three Midwestern cities. We returned to Oak Creek, WI to premiere our 30-minute documentary, Waking in Oak Creek, on March 13; traveled on March 25 to Bloomington-Normal, IL, a city that first sparked Not In Our Town activities in their community 18 years ago; and finally to executive producer Patrice O’Neill’s hometown of St. Louis, MO on March 27 for a screening and discussion. The response has been overwhelmingly positive in each of these towns. These three events are the first of hundreds to follow. Follow the lead of these Not In Our Town communities and bring Waking in Oak Creek to your town. Click here to request the DVD and discussion guides.    Oak Creek, Wisconsin Milwaukee’s FOX6 covered the March premiere.