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December 2, 2013 - 5:16pm
Rabbi James Cohn, left, at the premiere of Not In Our Town, Light In The Darkness in Charleston   Rabbi James Cohn began his work to stop bias and hate in 1996 when he helped organize faith leaders in Greenville, SC against an anti-gay resolution passed by the town council. In his role as rabbi of Temple Israel in Charleston, WV, Rabbi Cohn continues his work to build inclusion and safe communities through education, community development and committee work. He also serves on the steering committee of OneKanawha, a group in the Not In Our Town network that focuses on creating an inclusive community and working towards social justice in Charleston. Tell us about your community:
November 26, 2013 - 11:22am
“The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong” —Mahatma Ghandi We’ve all been hurt at some point in our lives, either emotionally or physically, and we’ve all heard the line, “You need to forgive.” Many people would agree forgiveness is easier said than done but the truth behind this line still remains. Not forgiving someone hurts you more than anyone else. This proves to be particularly true for an extraordinary young woman, Kiki Vo. Take a moment to listen as she shares with us the trials and hardships she has faced and inspires us with her own story of forgiveness. Stream this video in your classroom and use with the accompanying lesson plan. Video also available via TeacherTube.
November 25, 2013 - 4:22pm
After weeks of racially-motivated abuse against an African-American freshman at San Jose State University finally came to light, university president Mohammad Qayoumi sent out a plainly worded email to the faculty, staff, and students taking responsibility and laying out a specific plan for change. "Dear Spartans, When I expressed outrage last Thursday at the race-based abuse and mistreatment of an African-American SJSU freshman by several suite mates, I did not clearly express our accountability for what he endured.
November 25, 2013 - 3:54pm
The American movement Not in Our Town is becoming more and more relevant in Hungary. A negative discrimination, which has not been unknown in our recent history, is making the lives of Hungary’s minorities more difficult once again. — Hungarian concerned citizens launched a local Not In Our Town site,, to map their positive stories of change in the face of anti-Semitism and anti-Roma sentiment. The site helps connect the growing network for tolerance in Hungary and includes updates on events and resources, including Not In Our Town films and action guides translated into Hungarian.
November 25, 2013 - 5:04am
Diverse Protest Stands Strong In the Face of Neo-Nazi Hatred On Saturday, Nov. 9, a diverse group of civil rights organizations, city officials, and concerned community members, including “the old and young, African-Americans, whites, and a few women wearing hijabs,” gathered to say “NO” to hatred by contesting a rally planned by a group of Neo-Nazi white supremacists. The neo-Nazi rally was advertised as a “stand against illegal immigration and rise against the downfall of the American economy,” and drew three dozen neo-Nazis, dressed in black, who awaited a turn to preach their views on the downtown courthouse steps, according to the Kansas City Star.