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May 3, 2013 - 11:09am
By Hannah Walsh
May 2, 2013 - 11:20am
Community supports gay politician following assault CREDIT: Oklahoma’s first openly gay state politician is receiving vocal support from his community following an assault which he says was motivated by hate. Jim Roth, a Democrat who served on the Oklahoma Cortwas assaulted outside a bar by three men who called him anti-gay slurs during the attack, according to Policymic.
May 1, 2013 - 1:00pm
In March a student group calling itself the White Student Union announced plans to conduct patrols of Towson University campus in Maryland to address "black predators." This led members of the black student body, university administration, and others who denounce the controversial student organization's views to take action. In this article for The Burton Wire, Towson University Assistant Professor Tara Bynum accounts how students responded to intolerance and why it's important to learn from history and tell our stories. Towson University students march in response to the call for patrols on campus by members of a non-affiliated white power organization, via Burton Wire. 
April 29, 2013 - 9:24am
As our country deals with the deadly bombings at the Boston Marathon earlier this month, many commentators have been anticipating an anti-Muslim backlash. Some hate crimes motivated by hostility to Muslims have been reported, including the valdalism of an Oklahoma City mosque this weekend. However, ABC News argues that the Muslim community has defended itself against backlash by quickly coming forward to condemn the bombings, and by fighting radicalization internally. 
April 26, 2013 - 2:18pm
NIOS is publishing blogs with the voices of LGBTQ students, teachers and community members weekly through Gay and Lesbian Pride month in June. This is the second blog post in our series. Please share these stories on Facebook and retweet them for everyone to join the powerful movement of equality that crosses all races, religions and nationalities.