FBI to investigate murder of Mississippi mayoral candidate as hate crime
CREDIT: Alternet
The FBI will investigate the brutal murder of Marco McMillan, an openly gay man who was running to become mayor of Clarksdale, MS, following an appeal from his family and numerous civil rights groups.

March 4, 2013 - 4:18pm
In BULLY, filmmaker Lee Hirsch graphically portrays the tragedy of bullying to catalyze everyone to be part of the solution. The BULLY Educator DVD & Toolkit, which includes Not In Our School videos and resources, is now available for pre-order.
Hirsch recently won the the Stanley Kramer Award of the Producers Guild of America. According to 2013 PGA Awards Chair Michael De Luca, “BULLY sparked a movement, sparked a shift in consciousness and rallied people of all ages to stand up against intolerance and hate. It’s a film that I believe Stanley Kramer himself would applaud and we’re thrilled to recognize it with this honor.”
By Lee Hirsch

March 1, 2013 - 4:59pm
Win a FREE BULLY Educator DVD!
Thank you to everyone who has already entered our contest. If you haven't entered yet, you still have a chance to win a BULLY Educator DVD & Toolkit, which features 2 NIOS Films and our Quick Start Guide! Here's How to Enter:1) LIKE our Facebook page 2) Leave a Facebook comment telling us how you will use the Bully Educator DVD3) Fill out our contest entry form here4) THREE posts will win a BULLY Educator DVD!
The contest ends Wednesday, March 6. You can also pre-order a copy of the DVD here.

February 27, 2013 - 11:16am
From Cleveland.com: The North Royalton Early Childhood PTA and students from the Early Childhood Center provide some community service for their peers in Newtown, CT
By Becki Cohn-Vargas, Not In Our School Director
After the massacre in Newtown, the National PTA launched a campaign to send snowflakes to Sandy Hook School. The result: thousands of snowflakes from all over the United States were delivered as a message of empathy and blanketed the grieving community.