Follow the steps to stand up to hate in your town. We were heartened to hear from several NIOT groups around the country that are already taking actions on the list. Let us know if you do and we'll post about it at and on our Facebook page.

April 10, 2019 - 11:51am
Not In Our Town-Bowling Green co-sponsored the fifth annual Interfaith Breakfast, held on April 2, 2019. This year’s theme was Building Peace Where There’s No Peace.

March 17, 2019 - 9:20am
Across the country, people are coming together to stand with their Muslim neighbors and friends after a gunman killed 50 Muslim worshippers in two mosques on Friday. From Illinois to California to Florida, local Not In Our Town groups are part of these efforts to rebuke Islamophobia and hate, and to make their communities safer for all residents.

March 15, 2019 - 11:22pm
50 Muslim people were killed during Friday prayers at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand as a 28-year-old gunman waged an assault on worshippers while he filmed the process, posting live on Facebook. Children were killed, with their parents and grandparents. People watched their friends and loved ones die. The loss of these lives is reverberating around the world.

March 15, 2019 - 4:49pm
Standing up to the legacy of slavery and the confederacy isn't just happening in the South. Many miles away in San Rafael, CA, a battle is underway over a school district called "Dixie."