by Pam Vavra, Peace House, Ashland, ORwith an introduction by Jim Willeford, Not In Our Town Medford-Ashland

September 17, 2009 - 1:07pm
By Kirthi Nath
Baltimore, MD: On August 18, 2009, 76-year-old Baltimore resident James Privott was brutally attacked by three men while fishing with his wife at Fort Armistead Park. As the couple was packing up their fishing gear, three men assaulted James Privott with a sledgehammer and a bat while shouting racial slurs, including the N-word, and then stole his money and car and fled the scene.
September 9, 2009 - 9:00pm
Here’s the latest installment of “Where in the World is NIOT Now?” featuring notable news from Not In Our Town groups, and updates about “Not In Our Town” film screenings across the country.
Fort Collins, Colorado: Reflecting on the rise of hate speech in public discourse, Not In Our Town Alliance member Charlotte Miller wrote a letter to the editor of The Coloradoan, urging residents to stand up and speak out against intolerance:
“We must speak out against hateful speech and propaganda filled with untruths about people who are different in racial, ethnic, religious identity, as well as language use and political beliefs. If you hear someone saying discriminatory or derogatory things about those who differ from them, please speak up and let them know you disagree with them, and discrimination is not OK.”

September 1, 2009 - 12:00am
Press Conference Address from Tony Stewart, Kootenai County Task Force…Editor’s Note: Several weeks ago, Aryan Nations members left recruitment materials and racist pamphlets in neighborhoods in the Inland Northwest area of Washington and Idaho. In response, law enforcement, civic and community leaders from throughout the region held a press conference to speak out against racism and stand together against intolerance. Press Conference Address from Tony Stewart, Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations “As we meet here today, our Inland Northwest communities are once again experiencing the distribution of unwanted, vile hate materials. In recent weeks, there have also been incidents of harassment and violence directed at citizens in both Spokane and Coeur d’Alene.
August 20, 2009 - 9:00pm
After a reported hate incident against a Vietnamese-American student, a Portland, OR community is standing together for safe and inclusive neighborhoods.
On the morning of August 2, 2009, 22-year-old Portland State University student Bao Vuong reported that he was verbally assaulted by four white males in Portland’s Beaumont-Wilshire neighborhood. Vuong said the young men shouted racial slurs at him, pelted his car with food, and punched the door of his vehicle while he was stopped at a stop light. Though Vuong gave descriptions of the four men to the police, no arrests have been made. [KATU Story]