Blog | Page 56 | Not in Our Town


July 13, 2016 - 2:18pm
Mourning the violence and division after devastating killings in Texas, Minnesota, and Louisiana, Not In Our Town communities took immediate steps to come together to talk and find ways to heal. Stories and pictures from local events in Illinois, Texas, Massachusetts, Montana, and California are followed by:  Five Ways to Be Together Now. 
July 12, 2016 - 4:03pm
Written by: Patrice O'Neill, NIOT Executive Producer
June 30, 2016 - 7:12am
NIOT Marchers (Photo Credit: Michael Matejka) Hundreds of Bloomington-Normal residents gathered outside the old courthouse to remember and renew 20 years of grass-roots action to address racism and bigotry. On June 28th, the street festival featured local student performances, a march, screenprinting, speakers, and a participatory dance experience, all to celebrate diversity. Check back for NIOT video story on the event.
June 23, 2016 - 3:52pm
Congratulations to Not In Our Town Bowling Green: winners of the second annual ImpACT Awards: Putting Practice into Action for the Betterment of Communities.