Submitted by
Ryan Hunt on August 5, 2013 - 3:45pm
Law Enforcement: As part of our ongoing work with the U.S. Department of Justice COPS Office, we invited law enforcement leaders for a webinar in late July. Beyond a few minor technical glitches, it was wonderful to connect and share best practices in our law enforcement cadre including the work of COPS Office Program Analyst Nazmia Alqadi, Marshall County, IA Sheriff Ted Kamatchus and Marshalltown, IA Police Chief Michael Tupper. If you are in law enforcement and would like to participate in the next webinar in October, please contact us at
Community Work: Not In Our Town Executive Producer Patrice O’Neill had nothing but good things to say about her July visit to Billings, MT. She met with former Billings Mayor Chuck Tooley, current Mayor Thomas Hanel, and Police Chief Rich St. John. Patrice and Community Engagement Director Michelle Gahee-Kloss also met with the Sacramento Hate Crimes Task Force in July.
Films & Production: We presented a clip from our upcoming film about the shooting and community response at the Sikh temple in Oak Creek, WI at the San Francisco Jewish Film Festival. We traveled in early August for the one-year anniversary of the tragic shooting.
See a slideshow of one of the events.
Team NIOT: As summer comes to a close, we are saying goodbye to nearly all of our interns, an amazing group of young people who have helped our small organization expand its capacity this summer. Special thanks to Caitlin Grams, Sanders Deionne, Izzy Mayer, Riki Rattner, Jessica Rose and Georgia Mulligan for their invaluable contributions to NIOT. Also, we’re seeking new interns for fall. Interested in interning for NIOT?
Email us for opportunities.
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