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October 19, 2009 - 3:55pm
After a hate incident, Fairview Park spreads a message of inclusion
October 18, 2009 - 3:59pm
On Oct. 2, Stanford University’s Jewish community celebrated the first night of Sukkot, the harvest festival that commemorates the Biblical story of the Israelites living in booths in the desert after their exodus from Egypt. As is traditional during the eight-day holiday, Jewish students and faculty at the Palo Alto campus ate dinner inside a sukkah, a three-sided hut built to observe the holiday. 
October 15, 2009 - 4:10pm
 In August 2009, Bob Herbert wrote an article in the New York Times questioning why people were not more enraged after the 2006 rural Pennsylvania hate crime against a schoolhouse full of women and girls, nor after the 2009 Collier Township shooting. Herbert remarked, “We have become so accustomed to living in a society saturated with misogyny that the barbaric treatment of women and girls has come to be more or less expected.”  After a Not In Our Town screening at American University, graduate student and former high school and journalism teacher Mandy Toomey raised the question: why don’t we hear more about hate crimes against women?
October 13, 2009 - 5:17pm
  South San Francisco, CA: Teachers 4 Soclal Justice met here last Sunday.   After a Not In Our Town screening, Jan Speller, who teaches English at El Camino High School, told us how she responds when her students say, "That's so gay."    What do you say?
October 9, 2009 - 11:43am
San Diego, CA: “Red, black, yellow, brown and white, we need one another right now,” said Reverend Ikenna Kokayi, president of the United African American Ministerial Action Council, kicking off an evening of speakers before the 200 people crowded into the Ronald Reagan Center in El Cajon. After a series of hate-motivated incidents in San Diego’s East County, a coalition of faith and community leaders came together last week for its annual Hate Crimes Summit.   “We have gathered this day to look at the devastating effect of hate that is prevalent in our society. You and I must remain forever vigilant and wherever [hate] raises its ugly head we must be here to say, ‘No, not here.’”