This is the second article in a series on hate crime in the UK. Read the first article, “Making Victim Reporting Accessible,” here.
disability hate crime

This is the first in a series on hate crime in the UK.
This month marks the 20th anniversary of the high-profile murder of Stephen Lawrence, a young black man who was killed by a group of white men chanting racist slogans while he was waiting for the bus in London.
Since her son’s murder in 1993, Doreen Lawrence has campaigned for better
community policing and increased opportunities for black and minority ethnic youth in Britain. CREDIT: The Guardian
At the time of Lawrence’s murder in 1993, hate crime laws did not exist in the UK, but by the time the case was tried in 2011 his kilIlers were given sentence enhancements for racial bias, and religion, disability, sexual orientation and gender identity had also been recognized as protected categories under British law.