At the beginning of Bullying Prevention Month, we shared the UCLA psychology study that showed 70.6% of teens have seen bullying occur in their schools. However, if someone intervenes, the bullying stops within 10 seconds. All month, we’ve shared stories of amazing UPstanders who have stepped up and lent their voice to stop bullying and intolerance.
national bullying prevention month

During National Bullying Prevention Month we witnessed countless inspring stories of standing up. Here are two videos that feature the Not In Our School model on the Disney Channel and KPIX in San Francisco.
Disney Channel Showcases Student Upstanders
Now you can tune into the Disney Channel to see an anti-bullying campaign in action!
Students at Sunset Ridge Middle School in Utah covered their campus with Post-it notes that contained messages such as, “Not in our school” and “Stop hate together.” Disney Channel picked up on the activity and is now featuring it as part of their Make Your Mark campaign, reaching nearly 100 million homes in the U.S.

This week, Not In Our School featured a video of DeMonte, an upstander at his middle school as a Safe School Ambassador. The Ambassadors program is part of Community Matters, which encourages students to act as role models against bullying. Community Matters founder Rick Phillips works to equip students with the tools to keep their own schools safe.
By Rick Phillips, Founder of Community Matters
As educators, parents, and the community at large, we have addressed the growing issue of bullying, cyberbullying and harassment by implementing tools, policies and procedures that focus primarily on security. All too often these decisions have been made in the absence of a powerful stakeholder group, a voice that is critical in making systemic change to prevent, de-escalate and stop mistreatment on school campuses, the student voice.

In the latest video for National Bullying Prevention month, we showcase a truly extraordinary upstander, DeMonte.

October has arrived, which means National Bullying Prevention Month is here. This year, we're dedicating the month to Extraordinary Upstanders, ordinary citizens who see something wrong and do something to make it right. We believe that being an upstander, who speaks up and stands up for themselves and others, is a way of life.

Bully Project: Not In Our School Launched in the Philippines
They call themselves “a community of ex-bystanders in the Philippines who have made the decision to take a stand.” This month, they launched a combined Bully Project and Not in Our School campaign to raise awareness about the issue of bullying in the Philippines. By joining the campaign, each individual makes a promise: “I will not be a bully, I will help the bullied, and I will speak up about bullying.” They have over 537 likes on Facebook so far! You can check out their Facebook fan page here.

October Bullying Prevention Month is almost over. But there is still time to take action!
All month long, we have discussed bullying and showcased creative ways to address it.
During Week 1, we premiered the video “Break Bullying: Not in the Breakroom, Not on the Playground.” This video addressed the urgency and seriousness of bullying, and was featured on the CNN Schools of Thought website and viewed over 50,000 times!
For Week 2, we showed that anyone can speak up and stand up to bullying. We shared innovative and creative ways to be upstanders, people who speak up and stand up to bullying and intolerance.
And for Week 3, we made efforts to put an end to cyberbullying. We shared our film, “Students Take On Cyberbullying.” We also shared how students from the film joined a cyberbullying panel discussion on a MTV-sponsored “Digital Citizenship Day.”

Not In Our School “Break Bullying” PSA featured on CNN website!
The NIOS anti-bullying PSA, “Break Bullying,” now has more than 39,000 views! CNN re-posted the video along with a blogpost on their “Schools of Thought” blog, featuring excerpts from an interview with the film’s creator, Mike Nelson. The news giant was impressed with the PSA, calling it a “gut-wrenching” portrayal of bullying that will hopefully make the cruel reality of childhood bullying more salient to adults.
You can watch the PSA on CNN’s blog.A Thin Line: MTV National Bullying Prevention Month

For educators, National Bullying Prevention Month is a great opportunity to discuss cyberbullying in the classroom.
In this Not In Our School video, “Students Take On Cyberbullying,” high school students tackle the problem of cyberbullying in their schools through a class discussion and presentation. They log onto Facebook and create a more positive online environment, addressing the problem of cyberbullying head-on.
Watch this short film with your students:
1. What strategies might students use to address the issue of cyberbullying?2. What challenges might students confront?3. What might be the consequences of doing nothing?
Several students in this film were invited to participate in a town hall for New York Digital Citizenship Day cohosted by Common Sense Media and MTV. Stay tuned for more later this week!

Bullying Prevention Month has people talking and taking action across the country. Here are a couple of our favorite anti-bullying initiatives taking place this week:
BULLY: Coming to 50 cities October 12!
BULLY will be coming to 50 cities on Friday, Oct. 12 in honor of Bullying Prevention Month. The documentary has been seen by more than 200,000 kids and has ignited an important discussion about bullying in schools.
To see if the movie is playing in your city, check out their blog
Facing History and Ourselves: “Upstander Contest” is on now!