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not in our school

 Dartmouth cancels classes after protest
  How coaches can help build compassion among young men  
Soledad High School in Soledad, CA is in its second year of implementing its Not In Our School campaign. We are happy to give the first NIOS club seniors “Not In Our School” sashes to proudly wear at their graduation ceremony.  NIOS Director Becki Cohn-Vargas recently interviewed NIOS Club members Alex, Robert, Daisy and Ivan. In this interview, these students share how taking a leadership stance against bullying on their campus has helped them grow personally and what they have learned since starting a NIOS club.   Becki: When you guys started the cyberbullying club, you gathered some data. What did you find out?   Alex: What we found out was it seemed like people were more willing to allow bullying to happen, people just didn’t care. It’s funny, people often say that they will stand up to others, and they won’t let anyone encroach on their territory, but from what we saw through the surveys is that people just don’t care. They’ll let other people get shoved.
In BULLY, filmmaker Lee Hirsch graphically portrays the tragedy of bullying to catalyze everyone to be part of the solution. The BULLY Educator DVD & Toolkit, which includes Not In Our School videos and resources, is now available for pre-order.  Hirsch recently won the the Stanley Kramer Award of the Producers Guild of America. According to 2013 PGA Awards Chair Michael De Luca, “BULLY sparked a movement, sparked a shift in consciousness and rallied people of all ages to stand up against intolerance and hate. It’s a film that I believe Stanley Kramer himself would applaud and we’re thrilled to recognize it with this honor.”  By Lee Hirsch
Hate, Bullying and Intolerance: Not On Our Campus Five Ways to Move into Action     Not On Our Campus (NOOC) offers solutions-based strategies and tools for change to a network of colleges and universities working to create welcoming and inclusive climates.  Change begins with these five steps. Go to to find out what others campuses have done.  
Win a FREE BULLY Educator DVD! Thank you to everyone who has already entered our contest. If you haven't entered yet, you still have a chance to win a BULLY Educator DVD & Toolkit, which features 2 NIOS Films and our Quick Start Guide! Here's How to Enter:1) LIKE our Facebook page 2) Leave a Facebook comment telling us how you will use the Bully Educator DVD3) Fill out our contest entry form here4) THREE posts will win a BULLY Educator DVD! The contest ends Wednesday, March 6. You can also pre-order a copy of the DVD here. 
In the spirit of Not In Our School, a New Jersey elementary school shares this creative way to address bullying through music. Students stage a concert that involves the whole community. Soloists singing Taylor Swift’s “Mean.” More than 100 fourth grade students at Loring Flemming Elementary School in Blackwood/Gloucester Township, NJ presented a concert revue to educate audiences about bullying, respect, and self-acceptance. The students, under the direction of their music teacher Erica Guillama, sang choral arrangements of songs such as Taylor Swift’s “Mean,” Aretha Franklin’s “Respect,” Lady Gaga’s (Glee arrangement) “Born This Way,” and “We Shall Overcome.” Select speakers delivered an anti-bullying message through spoken dialogue and powerful quotes that Guillama collected from influential authors, entertainers, and philosophers.
Watchung, NJ High School’s White Out The students of Watchung Hills Regional High School in Watchung, NJ will host a “White Out Against Bullying” event on March 8. The students have had white shirts printed with the slogan “Not In Our Schools,” which can be purchased on the school website. They also encouraged the Watchung Borough Council to participate and wear white in solidarity with their school’s anti-bullying efforts. The White Out is part of a weeklong initiative to promote anti-bullying, diversity and other issues. We are excited to hear about the ongoing initiatives in Watchung to end bullying in their community. Watchung students and their teachers, Mary Sok and Jamie Lott-Jones, were previously featured in our video, “Students Take on Cyberbullying.” 
Campaña “No en nuestra escuela” Una guía rápida para comenzar (Descarge el PDF) La campaña “No en nuestra escuela” (NIOS por su nombre en inglés) supone un compromiso constante con el empoderamiento de los/as estudiantes para crear un ambiente seguro, inclusivo, libre de “bullying”, acoso homofóbico, prejuicios religiosos, racismo y cualquier otra forma de intolerancia. Cada campaña de NIOS toma en cuenta las características de la comunidad escolar y responde a su problemática y necesidades específicas. Una campaña NIOS moviliza a los/as estudiantes a convertirse en defensores que actúan en representación de otros y a crear un clima que refleja los valores de seguridad, respeto e inclusión de las siguientes maneras: