The India Community Center (ICC) is hosting a free screening of Waking In Oak Creek on Thursday, July 31 at 6 p.m. in Milpitas, CA.
About Waking in Oak Creek:
Waking In Oak Creek (33:00) profiles a suburban town rocked by hate after six worshippers at a Sikh Temple are killed by a white supremacist. In the year following the attack, the film highlights a community and law enforcement working together to overcome tragedy, stand up to hate, and create a safe town for all.
The film was produced in conjunction with the U.S. Department of Justice COPS Office as part of the Not In Our Town: Working Together for Safe, Inclusive Communities Initiative.
Watch the trailer below.
Oak Creek Excerpt from Not In Our Town on Vimeo.

Anti-bullying messages in Fayette County, KY buses, cafeterias
Now on Fayette County, KY school buses, one can find a sign that reads, “Bullying ... Not In Our School.”
Jerry Cerel, board member of Bluegrass Crimestoppers, took action in order to establish safer buses. Cerel approached the Fayette County Public Schools’ law enforcement director, Chris Townsend, about placing placards in every bus in order to prevent bullying. "The purpose is not to place charges against people, but to encourage reporting," Townsend told the Lexington Herald-Leader. “If someone does report a case to law enforcement, we will refer it to the counselor in the school it pertains to. But if law enforcement intervention is warranted, the school will let us know.”

From The North Royalton Early Childhood PTA and students from the Early Childhood Center provide some community service for their peers in Newtown, CT
By Becki Cohn-Vargas, Not In Our School Director
After the massacre in Newtown, the National PTA launched a campaign to send snowflakes to Sandy Hook School. The result: thousands of snowflakes from all over the United States were delivered as a message of empathy and blanketed the grieving community.

By Matthew Tullis, Project Director for Safe Schools/Healthy Students in Marshalltown, IA
Originally published by the Iowa Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
The city of Marshalltown understands the importance of collaboration. For years the community and its school district have risen to embrace challenges and work together. In the spring of 2012, Mike Schlesinger, Publisher and General Manager of Marshalltown Newspaper, LLC, gathered key community leaders together to address the issue of bullying and hate. Based on a common concern about tragic consequences resulting from bullying that have been reported in Iowa and across the nation, Marshalltown decided immediately to be proactive and spread a common message that this type of behavior is not acceptable in our town.

Light in the Darkness is on PBS’s Hispanic Heritage Month programming lineup, which runs from Sept. 15 to Oct. 15.
Check your local TV listings for broadcast times, but also consider bringing the film home to your community. Nearly 200 communities nationwide have come together to watch Light in the Darkness and discuss issues relevant to their communities.
Hispanic Heritage Month is a wonderful opportunity to discuss the safety and inclusion of new immigrants to your town. When you host a screening, you also get access to our comprehensive Screening Kit, that includes a planning and discussion guide as well as press materials to get the word out.
Sign up for a screening today.
Preview the opening of Light in the Darkness, featuring narrator Alfre Woodard.
Sign up for a screening today.

Mark your calendars: “Not In Our Town: Light in the Darkness” is one of the encore programs featured in PBS’s Hispanic Heritage Month programming lineup, which runs from September 15 to October 15. (Check your local listings for “Light in the Darkness” airtimes.)

Not In Our Town: Light in the Darkness is not just a film, but the beginning of a conversation.
Here at The Working Group, we aim to produce films that serve a diverse audience with a shared goal: to make our communities safer and accepting of all. Not In Our Town: Light in the Darkness was not only broadcast nationally on PBS stations, but nearly 20 public media stations hosted relevant content and events in their respective markets. Nearly 30 national partners and allies—including the Department of Justice COPS, The National League of Cities, American Library Association, National Hispanic Media Coalition, and the Interfaith Alliance—shared the film with their constituencies. And at any hour of the day, our social media channels provided resources and space to connect around these important issues.
This community engagement success was made possible by support from PBS through the Diversity and Innovation Fund at the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. The $20 million fund—supported by tax-payers dollars—launched in 2010 to support PBS' National Program Service.

We've been burning the midnight oil in our Oakland editing room to bring you preview scenes from our next PBS film, NIOT III: The Patchogue Story.
It's the story of a small Long Island community where Marcelo Lucero, an Ecuadorean immigrant, was murdered in November 2008 in an attack by seven high school students who were looking for "Mexicans" to beat up.
NIOT film crews have made more than a dozen visits to Patchogue. We've gotten to know the Lucero family as well as civic leaders and elected officials, who tried to bring the community together in the aftermath of this shocking hate crime.
Why did we choose this story as our film's centerpiece?
Tune into Independent Lens on PBS this week (February 10, 2009) for “Tulia, Texas,” a powerful film by Cassandra Herrman and Kelly Whalen about a terrible miscarriage of justice in a small West Texas town.

Tune in to Independent Lens on PBS this week (May 20) for A Dream in Doubt, an important film by Tami Yeager about the power of courage and hope to overcome hate.
In the wave of violence that followed 9/11, Balbir Singh Sodhi, a Sikh-American, was fatally shot in a retaliatory hate crime after he was mistaken for an Arab Muslim. A Dream in Doubt tells the story of Rana Singh Sodhi as he struggles to heal from his brother’s murder, find community support, and reclaim his American dream.
We encourage NIOT members to organize a community screening of this powerful film.
For local listings and PBS broadcast schedule, visit the Independent Lens site.
Download resources, discussion and facilitator guides at A Dream in Doubt on