Sandy Hook | Not in Our Town

Sandy Hook

From The North Royalton Early Childhood PTA and students from the Early Childhood Center provide some community service for their peers in Newtown, CT By Becki Cohn-Vargas, Not In Our School Director After the massacre in Newtown, the National PTA launched a campaign to send snowflakes to Sandy Hook School. The result: thousands of snowflakes from all over the United States were delivered as a message of empathy and blanketed the grieving community.
Slate: "Productive" Response to Kansas Hate Group When the Westboro Baptist Church hate group announced that it would picket the funerals of the Newtown, CT shooting victims, many people were filled with outrage. In response, the cyberhacking group Anonymous hacked the website and Twitter pages of the WBC in a form of revenge. Slate writer Will Oremus states that there have been more productive responses to the Westboro Baptist Church, particularly the pro-tolerance counter protest of Gunn High School. This counter protest was effective because it worked to empower the students and strengthen the school’s values of acceptance and tolerance. Slate also featured our video, “Gunn High School Sings Away Hate Group,” below.    Talking to Your Kids About Newtown