NIOS Is Proud to Announce Two New Courses for Educators
Both courses guide you toward developing your own Not In Our School (NIOS) Bullying Prevention Campaign. The Dominican course covers bullying and starting a NIOS Campaign. The USD Course focuses on building a NIOS Campaign and creating a safe and caring community. Select the course that works for you!
UNIVERSITY OF SAN DIEGODivision of Continuing Education
Not In Our School: Strategies that Address Bullying and Intolerance by Creating Safe, Inclusive and Accepting Schools 2-Unit Online courseParticipants will create a plan to end bullying and intolerance in their school and community with the Not In Our School approach. The course will also focus on how to create safe, inclusive and accepting positive climates. This course was just added to the USD Bullying Prevention in Our Schools certificate program, but can be taken independently. Registration is now open.
university of san diego
Online Professional Development Opportunities for Educators
Create a Plan to End Bullying and Intolerance in Your School and Community
Not In Our School: Strategies to Address Bullying and Intolerance by Creating Safe, Inclusive, and Accepting Schools, a 2-unit online course offered through the University of San Diego, gives educators and administrators tools for preventing and addressing bullying, and supporting a positive, identity-safe school climate.
This course can be taken individually or as part of the University of San Diego Bullying Prevention in Our Schools Certificate program.
Instructor: Becki Cohn-Vargas, Ed.D., Not In Our School Director