One Week Three Million Strong | Not in Our Town

One Week Three Million Strong

About this group

  • Group Name: One Week Three Million Strong
  • Location: Washington D.C.,
  • Links: One Week Three Million Strong
  • Regular meetings: People are encouraged to go to our website and sign in the endorsement page

Activities, Challenges & Lesssons Learned


If you can not be in attendance for the events in Washington DC, please use the forums on our organize locally page to plan an event that corresponds with the events in Washington DC in your local area.  If you require technical assistance please feel free to contact us.




Pennsylvania Network of Unity Coalitions

The Blitz: A Progressive Movement

The Nation

Forward Blitz Network

Jersey City Peace Movement

Futurist Forum


Dennis Biancuzzo  - Pennsylvania

Bill Rattigan - United Kingdom

Mary Sweeney - Califronia

Michaeleen Mason-Gale  - Roseville

Peter Burr _ Tennessee

Paul Sega - Califronia

tarak Kauff  - New York


Brandon - Arizona

Debbie Comasky - California

Nicole Nichols - Oklahoma

Dave Finnigan - Florida