Why use a Not In Our Town film to gather your community?
Storytelling through film can often help us see things in a new way. Not In Our Town films help one community learn from others. If there are troubles in your town, or if you're trying to make sure you prevent hate crimes and make everyone feel safe, there are stories and models from other communities that may help people in your town work together to create your own response. Then, video and stories of your activities can enable others to learn from you.
What film will work for you?
The original Not In Our Town film (27 minutes) has been the most effective film for encouraging local action. It's available for purchase online from The Working Group.
If you can't afford to purchase the film, please contact us and we'll send you a loaner. But please know that, as a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, video sales help make it possible for us to continue our work.
In addition to the original Not In Our Town story, our site features a collection of other Not In Our Town videos that might be effective in your community. Is there a hate group in your town? Is there a problem with bullying and harassment at school? Are you worried about a divisive atmosphere in your community because of race, immigration, religion, anti-hate activity? We have NIOT videos to open the dialogue about these and other subjects.