Not In Our Town Northern California: When Hate Happens Here takes a regional look at five Northern California communities dealing with deadly hate violence over a five-year period. Together, the stories reveal that whether the motivation is racism, anti-Semitism, or crimes motivated by gender or sexual orientation, hate is the same. But Californians are finding innovative ways to respond when hate happens here.
- middle, high school, and post secondary and adult education;
- public, college and university libraries;
- social studies, government, history, English, diversity training and multi-cultural studies;
- town hall meetings and study circles;
- communities of faith;
- law enforcement;
- business & corporate training.
Taken from Not In Our Town Northern California: When Hate Happens Here, this three-part modular series designed especially for classroom and community screenings. These videos—Staging a Response to Hate, Summer of Hate/ Season of Healing, and Welcome Signs—are particularly relevant for teachers and organizers, because they tell self-contained, varied and dynamic stories, making them ideal for short screenings in educational and community settings. Centered in urban, rural, exurban and suburban towns, the stories show that hate happen anywhere, but people everywhere can stand up and respond. Co-produced with KQED-TV.
Program One
24 minutes
Program Two
Staff at a large public library discover that hundreds of gay-oriented books from their collection have been mutilated. Reversing Vandalism chronicles the library's search for the book vandal, and the librarians' decision to offer the damaged books to artists as materials for creative expression and community healing.
Program Three
27 minutes
Welcome Signs tells the story of how the rural town of Anderson responds when a cross is burned on an African-American family's lawn. Local leaders quickly visit the frightened family to encourage them not move away. One week later, six hundred people march through the neighborhood in the pouring rain as a demonstration of support. Town officials formally declare Anderson a "no hate" zone, installing signs at the city limits stating, "No Room for Racism, Hate, or Violence."
Soon after the 9/11 attacks, an Orthodox Christian church attended by Arab-Americans is consumed by fire; arson is suspected. When A Church Burns, Children Respond shows how schoolchildren from a neighboring Jewish day school work to help rebuild the church and the community.
The complete set -- Programs One, Two and Three -- on one DVD for $99