Spread the Pledge: Schools | Not in Our Town

Spread the Pledge: Schools

Pledge to stop bullying, hate, and violence today. 

Want to do more?

Start an Anti-Bullying Campaign In Your SCHOOL, CAMPUS or COMMUNITY!

Build Safe, Inclusive Communities and Schools for Everyone.

Not In Our School

A Not In Our School (NIOS) campaign is an ongoing commitment to empower students to create safe and inclusive environments free of bullying, harassment and all forms of intolerance. Start one at your school today!

Not On Our Campus


A Not On Our Campus (NOOC) campaign addresses safety and inclusion on college campuses, including issues of racism, anti-Semitism, LGBTQ bias, and hazing. Get organized, and start shifting your campus culture today!

Not In Our Town


Not In Our Town (NIOT) is a program for people and communities working together to stop hate, address school bullying and build safe, inclusive environments for all.



What is the connection between bullying, bigotry, and hate?

Bullying is defined as repeated harmful verbal, physical and/or online actions with an imbalance of status, power, or strength. Relational bullying includes exclusion, gossip, and spreading rumors in order to hurt or shame a person. Bigotry is when a person or group is subject to negative prejudice based on race, gender, sexual orientation, perceived sexual orientation, appearance, social class, and disability. Since much bullying targets people who are different, it is often caused by bigotry. In a continuum of negativity, bigoted attitudes can lead to serious acts of hate and violence. That is why NIOT seeks to address all forms of bullying, bigotry, and hate.

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