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Theresa Sparks, Executive Director of the San Francisco Human Rights Commission |
United States Attorney General Loretta Lynch struck down a discriminatory law in North Carolina aimed at transgender people. Her moving speech and actions, (see video and transcript below) prompted this response from San Francisco Human Relations Commission Executive Director Theresa Sparks. "As one who has been on the front lines for transgender rights for nearly two decades, the remarks made by US Attorney General Lynch and the action of filing a Civil Rights lawsuit against HB2 and North Carolina left me breathless and in tears. After all of these years, one of the most powerful defenders of our civil rights has proclaimed to all that we are here, worthwhile and deserve the protection of the entire might of the United States Federal Government. There are really no words to convey how I feel." -Theresa Sparks, Executive Director of the San Francisco Human Rights Commission.
Loretta Lynch issues a formal response to North Carolina's anti-transgender law. Click the link above to see the full video from CSPAN.
The Attorney General's actions struck down a bill passed by the North Carolina legislature that would force transgender people to use the bathrooms that matched the gender they were born with rather than their current identity. Here is how Attorney General Lynch, a North Carolina native, spoke about the laws and their connection to past discrimination in our country. Here is an excerpt from her speech. A full transcript is available online.
"You have been told this law protects vulnerable populations from harm, but that is not the case. Instead, what this law does is put further indignity on a population that has already suffered far more than its fair share. This law provides no benefit to society and all it does is harm innocent Americans. Instead of turning away from our neighbors, friends, and colleagues, let us instead learn from our history and avoid repeating the mistakes of the past. Let us reflect on the obvious but neglected lesson that state sanctioned discrimination never looks good and never works in hindsight. It was not so very long ago that states including North Carolina had signs above restaurants, water fountains, on public accommodations keeping people out based on a distinction without a difference."
"We have moved beyond these days, but not without a tremendous amount of pain and suffering and an ongoing fight to keep moving forward. Let us write a different story this time. Let us not act out of fear and misunderstanding, but out of the values of inclusion and diversity and with regard to all that makes our country great."
"Let me also speak to the transgender community itself. Some of you have lived freely for decades and others of you are still wondering how you could still live the lives you have yearned to lead, yearned to live. No matter how isolated, frayed, and alone you feel today, note this – the Department of Justice and the entire Obama Administration want you to know that we see you, we stand with you, and we will do everything we can to protect you going forward. Please know that history is on your side. This country was founded on the promise of equal rights for all and we have always managed to move closer to that idea, little by little, day by day. It may not be easy, but we will be bring it closer today."
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