5 Things to Know This Week in the Fight to Stop Hate | Not in Our Town

5 Things to Know This Week in the Fight to Stop Hate

In our new weekly feature, we'll be sharing 5 headlines from the week that struck us as important. We hope you'll visit the original stories. Just click on the graphic and a link will take you there. 




1.  the Jabara-Heyer #NOHATEAct to prevent hate crimes HAS BEEN REINTRODUCED IN CONGRESS.
Experts on extremism are warning about a troubling shift in the right-wing QAnon movement toward a new vein of conspiracy that blends anti-Chinese and anti-Jewish tropes with fears of vaccines and a global plot to take over the world.— THE LA TIMES


3. #Neverforget Tuesday, April 7 was Yom Hashoah or Holocaust Remembrance Day.


Across the country, Sikh gurdwaras are finding new ways to carry out a tradition as old as their religion.  — Religion News Service


5. Local NIOT Group member Mollie Ward wins Bloomington Ward 7 seat.



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