Working closely alongside Facing History and Ourselves, Not in Our School spent the past year documenting student efforts to address issues of concern in their schools. From posting positive messages on Facebook to taking on a social action project or simply speaking out against bullying, students across the nation have taken a step towards tolerance and acceptance with the guidance of their teachers.
Thanks to support from the Einhorn Family Charitable Trust, we produced five short films with accompanying Facing History lesson guides that address issues such as cyberbullying--and highlight peer-to-peer solutions.
To view the films and the accompanying lesson guides, follow the links below:

Students Take On Cyberbullying
A Facebook campaign to spread positive messages, invented to counter cyberbullying by Watchung, N.J. students.
Stand Up, Stand Out: No Checking, No Capping, No Bullying
This film follows an anti-bullying campaign to stop the hurtful practice of “checking--” or tossing insults at peers--spearheaded by students in Memphis, Tenn.
No Human Being Was Born Illegal
An effort by Los Angeles students to stop use of the “I”-word (illegal) and make their school more welcoming to immigrants.
Students Map Bully Zones to Create a Safer School
High School students in Ohio take back their campus by mapping bully zones and creating lunchtime flash mobs to bring visibility to verbal, physical and cyberbullying.
New Immigrants Share their stories
The film showcases an innovative program for new immigrants in Queens, N.Y.
I think this film should be
I think this film should be EVERYWHERE. I mean, our kids are always able to find a rounchy comedy or gross horor movie, but not Bully? This doesn't make any sense to me. Something that could actually help and make a possitive difference in theirs and other's lives is held back. Well here's the deal, next time you hear a polititian or celebrity or anybody else that has the means to help get this movie out there complain about what our children are going through, let them know that they can shove it, because actions speak a lot louder than words.
No matter what people alway be bullying me and my friends for no reason and they all got suspened but they won't stop my school is Brookstown middle magnet acdemeny
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