A Movement to End Bullying, Hate, and Intolerance
February 28, 2013
8:30 am - 3:30 pm
8:30 am - 3:30 pm
Hayward Unified School District Office
24411 Amador Street, Hayward, CA
Becki Cohn-Vargas
Director, Not In Our School
Lynn Bravewomon
Coordinator, Hayward USD Safe and Inclusive Schools Program

Across the country, students and teachers are sharing stories, joining together and taking action to create safe schools free from stereotypes, intolerance and hate. They’re part of a movement called Not In Our School (NIOS).
Notinourschool.org offers films, lesson plans, and resources with an opportunity to join the network of NIOS educators.
A NIOS campaign is an ongoing commitment to create a safer school climate. Each campaign takes on the characteristics of the school community and responds to local issues and needs. A NIOS campaign mobilizes students to be “upstanders” who take action to stand up for themselves or others and create a climate that reflects the values of safety, respect and inclusion in these ways:
- Identification of problems of intolerance and bullying
- Solutions defined by students and peer-to-peer
- Collective voice
By the end of th
is session, participants will:

- Understand the importance of addressing bullying and learn ways to teach students to speak up and be upstanders.
- Share best practices for anti-bullying initiatives.
- Learn about the NIOS movement as a powerful way to address all forms of intolerance.
- Receive a step-by-step model to create a NIOS Anti-bullying campaign at a minimal cost.
- Learn ways to bring the information back to their schools and communities.
We have a few spots open for this session. Please contact us at info@niot.org if you are interested in participating or hosting a TOT.
Not In Our Town (NIOT) and NIOS are projects of The Working Group, a non-profit 501(c)3 founded in 1988
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