The National Leadership Gathering: Where to Get Answers | Not in Our Town

The National Leadership Gathering: Where to Get Answers

Young community leaders gather for a photo at the 2006 Not In Our Town National Gathering. Photo by Jackson Hill.


Standing up to build hate-free communities is challenging work. The Not In Our Town National Leadership Gathering is an opportunity for community members and leaders to learn the concrete steps to build a diverse, thriving town.

In this session, you will learn solutions needed in all communities:

  • Turn apathy and complacency into energy

  • Keep coalitions proactive

  • Pass on the knowledge of veteran leaders turn them into mentors for youth

  • Get civic and business leaders to join in community-based efforts

  • Bring school boards on board to change school climate

  • Understand and communicate the impact of hate incidents and bullying

  • Turn your police department into hate-prevention leaders

  • Work for sustained, measurable change

Join your extraordinary peers from around the country at the National Leadership Gathering to connect, learn about solutions that are working … brainstorm new ones … and share your own.
There’s a lot to share, there’s a lot to learn. Together, we can stop hate.
Eventbrite - Not In Our Town National Leadership Gathering

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