How to take action, host an anti-bullying film festival, a student-led campaign guide and tips on how to stop bullying.
What is the urgency?
In the past few years, schools throughout the US have experienced a frightening increase in bullying and acts of hate. Each year, schools across the US participate in bullying prevention activities during the month of October, but you can consider these activities any time of year. In 2020, when hate is on the rise, our greatest challenge is to stop bullying and hate and move toward welcoming, identity safe, and inclusive places.
The largest portion of hate incidents in the post-election period occured in K-12 schools and college campuses according to a report by the Southern Poverty Law Center. Incidents like these are being reported across the country: swastikas on walls, African American students threatened with nooses, Heil Hitler salutes at sporting events, young people chanting “Build a Wall, you’re getting deported” as they point to Latino students.
Immigrant, Black, Jewish, Muslim, and LGBTQ students continue to be targets of relentless harassment and bullying. We can make a difference in transforming school environments into safe and inviting communities for all students.
Take Action Now:
1. Check out our Anti-Bullying Film Festival [2] and support an open discussion on ways to promote inclusion and stand up to hate.
Each day in October you can share a new short film about standing up to bullying and intolerance that can be found on this page. The Anti-Bullying Online Film Festival [2] includes a range of films that showcase the incredible energy and enthusiasm of young people taking a stand against bullying, intolerance and all forms of hate. Some films are NIOT originals, while others are made by youth speaking out in creative ways. Watch and share! Please let us know how you are using these films and check for updates on The Not In Our School Facebook page. [6]
2. Try one of these free online films and lesson guides:
Elementary School
- Leave a Positive Footprint: 6:00 Film, Lesson and Activity Guide [7]
- Our Family, A film About Family Diversity: 7.5-minute Film and Lesson Guide [8]
- NIOS Elementary Assembly Launch Kit: Toolkit with film, scripts, and guide [9]
Middle and High School
- Waking in Oak Creek: Full 33-minute film [10] and Lesson Guide [11]
- Light in the Darkness: 30-minute film and Lesson Guide [12]
- NIOT Video Action Kit [5]
- White-out to Erase Bullying: Film and Guide to do an anti-bulllying campaign in your school [13]
More free films are available at [15]
3. Start a Student-Led Campaign Use the NIOS Student-led Campaign Guide [4] with step by step lessons and activities to launch a campaign lead by motivated middle and high school students. Purchase here: Student-led Campaign Guide Schoolwide license: $39
4. Teach students about how to stand up to bullying as well as to promote respect, and inclusion. Use the NIOS Classroom Lessons Guide [16] with 7 lesson plans for middle and high school students. Purchase here: Classroom Lessons Guide Schoolwide license $59.00
* Special discount for Bullying Prevention Month $74 for both guides. [14]
Five Tips on How to Stop Bullying:
- Open dialogue: Help students find their voice, appreciate their own identities and backgrounds and develop acceptance for the diversity of their peers. Recognize and respond: Make rules and expectations clear. Publicize reporting protocols. Train all staff and students on safe methods to prevent bullying.
- Teach Bystanders to be Upstanders: Provide classroom lessons to promote empathy, diversity, and social and emotional learning (SEL). Model and role-play ways to speak up.
- Foster Safety and Inclusion all Year Long: Empower students to find solutions and lead peer-led inclusion events. Have older students mentor younger ones.
- Educate the Community: Partner with parents and community leaders to support youth.
- Visit Not in Our School's Facebook page [17]
Anti-Bullying Resources
Anti Bullying Month Parents Guide [18] [19]
Dealing with bullying is a delicate and complex procedure. The Not In Our School (NIOS) Parent Guide for Preventing and Addressing Bullying and Intolerance highlights what you—as a parent—should do when your child is a victim of bullying. Acting rashly or not acting at all will do nothing to help your child, and this guide gives concrete and specific ideas on the best way to approach a very sensitive situation.
Host an Anti Bullying Month Film Screening [20]
Storytelling through film can often help us see things in a new way. Not In Our Town films help one community learn from others. If there are troubles in your town, or if you're trying to make sure you prevent hate crimes and make everyone feel safe, there are stories and models from other communities that may help people in your town work together to create your own response. Then, video and stories of your activities can enable others to learn from you.
Resources & Hotlines [21]
We have put together an extensive list of resources, links and phone numbers related to anti-bullying strategies.
Join the movement
Not in Our School is not only a campaign but a national movement to create safe and inclusive schools and communities where everyone has a part to play in hitting the brakes on bullying and all forms of bigotry.
Begin with these steps, but recognize that it takes sustained and collaborative effort where everyone works together to bridge differences and validate unique and diverse identities.