What is the purpose of the NIOS Student-led Campaign Guide and the Classroom Lessons Guide?
- To create a school climate of equity and identity safety, address bullying and all forms of intolerance;
- To empower students to motivate their peers in becoming empathetic upstanders;
- To teach and provide opportunities for students to practice pro-social skills in regular classes, advisory classes, and other small-group experiences.
Educators are not always aware of bullying until a serious incident occurs because it happens in the shadows, or under the guise of “kidding around.” Often the targets of bullying are afraid to report it out of shame or fear that it will get worse. With these two guides, students will be educated about bullying and will be empowered to take the lead to stop it. These guides are part of a comprehensive schoolwide bullying prevention and positive climate program: NIOS Identity Safe and Inclusive School Program.
School Climate and Bullying Prevention Research
The Identity Safe and Inclusive School Program incorporates research on bullying prevention and creating positive school climates.