hollywood | Not in Our Town


Violence in our country is a scandal worse than almost anything Hollywood could dream up. Variety, the magazine of the entertainment field, has launched an industry-wide conversation about the influence of media and entertainment on the appalling level of violence in our country. I picked up a copy of Variety’s Violence & Entertainment issue at the Sundance Film Festival, and was encouraged by the thoughtful debate that Editor Tim Gray and his team inspired for the issue. His opening editorial is both a call for reflection and action. In an editorial opener called “A variety of voices looking for solutions,” he makes a three-point call to colleagues in media and entertainment. 1. Don’t wait for legislation.2. Be patient and persistent. Take action now.3. Be hypersensitive to content. It’s hard to imagine anything good emerging from the horrible and painful loss from the Newtown, CT killings. Yet, the dialogue and potential for broadscale action against violence is pushing out from legislative halls to grassroots and local actions. These tragic moments of trauma can lead to a breakthrough for change.