What role does local media play in addressing intolerance and hate crime prevention? In the past few weeks, we’ve seen three stories where media coverage took very different positions on addressing controversy and sparking conversation about these issues.
Following a heavily-promoted Nashville TV news station series, "Inside Islamville: Is a local Muslim Community Tied to Terrorism," a Nashville mosque was spray painted with graffiti that read “Muslims Go Home.”

An anti-immigrant op-ed piece entitled “Mexican Roundup” that referred to immigrant children as “anchor babies” appeared in a Manassas, VA newspaper last week. Dexter Fox, Chair of Unity in the Community of Prince William County found it “a provoking example of blatant intolerance given significant space on the opinion page by the editors.” His response is posted on the Unity Group Page.
A different kind of local media action emerged in Grant County, Oregon last week. Responding to widespread concern about plans by the Aryan Nations to relocate its national headquarters to the small town of John Day, the local Blue Mountain Eagle newspaper sponsored two town hall forums where people could discuss the issues. The paper presented live streaming of the forums on its website.
In Fort Collins, the local newspaper The Coloradian presents regualar OP Eds written by NIOTA members that promote diversity and taking a stand against hate and intolerance.
What role is your local news outlet playing?
Comments on Facebook
We posted this on our NIOT Facebook Page also...check out some of the dialogue there...(posted Tuesday March 9, 2010).
How do Muslim voices get covered?
Moderate Muslims speak, but they are rarely heard | Viewpoints, Outlook | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
Muslim extremist statements make news, but reconciliaton efforts and the voices of the vast majority of Muslims are rarely heard.
Here's an op-ed in the Houston Chronicle submitted by a Jewish- Muslim Interfaith Dialogue group.
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