Here at Not In Our Town we are excited about the upcoming launch of an improved Not In Our School site that will provide resources for teachers, students and parents in the fight against hate. Aligning with these efforts, we are proud to be part of No Name-Calling Week hosted by GLSEN. No Name-Calling Week, now in its 8th year, is a week full of educational activities aimed at ending name-calling and providing schools with tools and inspiration to eliminate bullying in their communities.
During this week, Jan. 24-28, we will be posting anti-bullying resources that we hope will be useful for the Not In Our Town community. As an introduction, see this impressive roster of content available on the No Name-Calling Week site:
For Students

- Take the No Name-Calling Week Pledge
- Student survey on name-calling and verbal bullying
- Staying SAFE in Bullying Situations (Elementary)
- Take a Stand Lend a Hand (Middle School)
- Sample letter to Principals: An opportunity for students to approach teachers and administrators to get involved in No Name-Calling Week
For Parents and Families
- What to Do if a Child is Being Bullied
- How to Talk to Educators at Your Child’s School About Bullying

- Providing Support to Children who are Bullied
- Ideas for Celebrating No Name-Calling Week
- Listing of No Name-Calling Week Activities Conducted by Schools, with evaluations
- Art Lessons
- Elementary Level Lesson Plans
- Middle Level Lesson Plans
- High School Lesson Plans
GLSEN is also hosting a Creative Expression Contest for Students, in which students can submit any type of artistic expression that relates to their experiences with or ideas about bullying. Over the years, thousands of students nationwide have submitted a variety of poems, stories, essays, drawings, collages, sculptures, and songs. Examples of previous years’ prizewinning entries can be found on
Are you celebrating No Name-Calling Week? Let us know!
I think that the no-name week
I think that the no-name week is a great way to encourage kids not to bully and help those out that are getting bullied. Great program for the parents too :)
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