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October 6, 2020 - 7:47am
When asked if he would speak out against white supremacists at the Oct. 29 debate, President Trump responded with a taunt. The president refused to condemn the Proud Boys, telling them instead to “stand back and stand by.” It was a clear message for the far-right, male-only group known for brawling in the streets with left-wing protesters. 
October 6, 2020 - 6:29am
Not In Our Town and our partner organizations are pleased to present a series of virtual national conversations to inform, inspire and connect our communities. On October 15, we assembled our second virtual conversation that asked how can we be proactive in our local communities in the face of escalating conflict? Watch the entire conversation.
September 22, 2020 - 3:21pm
Broke, the game, gives players the opportunity to navigate life as either a farmer, single parent, senior citizen, or someone without citizenship documents or living in a homeless shelter. Players develop empathy by experiencing the stress and frustration of making high stakes decisions with competing priorities and not enough income. 
September 22, 2020 - 2:57pm
First, we have to acknowledge racism, and the differences and experience each student brings into a classroom, says Becki Cohn-Vargas, the author, educator and former director of Not In Our School. Becki and her co-authors recently completed a new book entitled Identity Safe Classrooms 6-12 Places for Belonging and Learning and she sat down with us to talk about identity safety. 
August 18, 2020 - 3:01pm
Human understanding comes through dialogue. When people can meet honestly in a small group, insight, empathy and understanding can follow. The incredibly active and amazing NIOT group in Bloomington-Normal, Ill. hosted a virtual NIOT screening and community discussion via Zoom earlier this summer. Not In Our Town member Mike Matejka shares this story of local action.