Now is the time for attention, from the depths of our souls. By NIOT founder Patrice O'Neil

June 1, 2020 - 1:19pm
None of us can do this alone, and no one group has “the answer” It will take all of us, and a wide variety of actions and strategies. Find out how to use your power and your voice.

May 26, 2020 - 1:29pm
The #IAmNotAVirus portrait campaign is a protest and response to the growing racist attacks against Asians and Asian Americans during this pandemic. We talked with founder Mike Keo about how he got it started, how it's evolved over the past couple months, and how you can get involved.

May 8, 2020 - 2:00pm
Not In Our Town provides a perspective, links to national Asian American groups providing analysis and leadership, and a set of actions you can take in your town.

April 27, 2020 - 11:57am
In this comprehensive perspective piece, Eddie Wong, former executive director of NAATA/Center for Asian American Media and current editor of Eastwind Zine, provides reporting and analysis of the upsurge in hate during the Covid crisis, reflects on the experience of racism by the Asian American community, and then provides a guide for both response and prevention, from bystander intervention training and a quick guide on self defense, to resources for community-based action.