More than 75 Bay Area supporters turned out on Wednesday night for a special screening of Waking in Oak Creek and A Prosecutor’s Stand in San Francisco, followed by a community discussion about community activism.

October 15, 2014 - 10:00am
Zakk Silveira, lead vocals and guitar player for the UPstanding band, Galvanized Souls, shares his own story about how he was bullied when he was younger and how Colin's story touched his heart. Galvanized Souls' song "Carry On" is an inspiring message to teach those who are victims of bullying that there is hope. All you have to do is carry on!

October 13, 2014 - 3:47pm
Not In Our Town Leader Elevates Student Voices
In Bowling Green, OH, both the town and the local university have actively targeted racism and intolerance through respective Not In Our Town and Not On Our Campus campaigns. At the helm of these efforts stands Ray Plaza, co-chair for the Bowling Green Not in Our Town initiative and associate director for the Office of Multicultural Affairs at Bowling Green State University.
Students praise Plaza’s resolve to include voices from all parts of the campus, and count him as an invaluable ally in the university administration.

October 13, 2014 - 2:58pm
October is National Crime Prevention Month! We are so proud to partner with the National Crime Prevention Council, which has been taking a bit out of crime for 30 years.
The Council featured Not In Our Town during this second week of National Crime Prevention Month with the theme, "Raise Your Voice to Stop Hate."

October 9, 2014 - 5:16pm
Today we introduce a short film series called Ferguson Conversations.
Not In Our Town's film team has been covering events in Ferguson, Missouri following the fatal shooting of unarmed teen Michael Brown by a police officer on Aug. 9. This tragic event has sparked conversations and marches both in the St. Louis area and nationwide. These first two short films shine a light on the community of Ferguson.