Blog | Page 82 | Not in Our Town


December 18, 2014 - 10:33am
The Not In Our Town team went to the streets of downtown Oakland to ask residents what they would like to see change in the aftermath of Ferguson. Video produced by Jeremy Jue and Diana Wendel, with Cassandra Belson. Stills courtesy of Berkeleyside. See more Not In Our Town content on Ferguson.  
December 16, 2014 - 2:08pm
Billings, MT, Photo courtesy of Frederic Brenner   Every year at Hanukkah, Not In Our Town remembers Billings, MT, and the events that inspired our original film.
December 8, 2014 - 5:35pm
In the aftermath of the events in Ferguson, MO, communities across the nation are searching for ways to keep racism and discrimination out of their towns.Bloomington-Normal, two adjacent cities in central Illinois that pioneered the original Not In Our Town movement, are once again leading a campaign to address intolerance and bias before it turns to hate.
December 5, 2014 - 9:00am
At, we are committed to mapping out locations where hate occurs and where communities or towns are actively working to become more inclusive. In addition to incidents of both hate and resilience, the map also highlights anti-hate groups, NIOT film subjects, and school efforts against bullying. Mapping out groups that strengthen their towns or schools against intolerance highlight the positive work that they are doing. Here are some of the latest groups working toward building safe, inclusive communities who are standing up to hate in their towns and cities.
December 2, 2014 - 11:56am
We asked people from across the country to talk about why they're part of Not In Our Town. These moving  stories about the the need to stand together to stop hate  remind us why we are doing this work. If we want to build safe and inclusive communities for all, it requires action. Please watch this video, see why it matters, and support Not In Our Town. Thank you.