Chris Seifert, director of educational services for Montana PBS, teaches students how to conduct an interview during a class at the Billings Public Library. The students will interview people involved in the Not In Our Town movement. Photo Credit: Billings Gazette
Billings, MT students engage in a project to tell stories about Not In Our Town through video and other media, including their town’s successful efforts to stand up to white supremacist hate crimes, according to the Billings Gazette.

February 25, 2014 - 2:25pm
By Dana Schuster
We are all painfully aware that we live in a culture rife with judgment and bias, and a disturbing tendency to pit one group or viewpoint against another. While voices have recently been increasing in volume that say we must acknowledge and combat stigma and bullying, particularly among our youth, consider, if you will, the following scenarios.

February 19, 2014 - 4:08pm
By Mark Liston
As a kid, I got beat up at home by dad and mom. I’d go to school and get beat up there too. I tried to take different routes when I walked home so the bullies wouldn’t find me. I lived in fear and didn’t like it.
Now, as a dad of four kids and a professional counselor, I wanted to do something to deal with bullying. I read research that said even today teachers often ignore or don’t notice bullying. Someone told me no standard was available to answer, “What is and is not bullying? How serious is the incident?”

February 14, 2014 - 10:33pm
Manteca, CA Mosque Attack, Photo courtesy of CAIR.
After vandals in Manteca, CA struck a community mosque in early February, faith leaders and the local newspaper responded quickly in support of their neighbors.The attack included “F___ ISLAM” spray-painted on the welcome sign of the mosque as well as on the ground nearby. Vandals also left strips of bacon around the facility, a gesture often used by bigots to offend Muslims, as they are not supposed to consume pork, according to a statement by the Council on Islamic-American Relations (CAIR). .

February 10, 2014 - 10:00pm
Marshalltown Times-Republican Publisher Mike Schlesinger with Marshall County Sheriff Ted G. Kamatchus.
The local Not In Our Town group in Marshalltown, IA offers its help on a piece of legislation that will strengthen anti-bullying policies and provide training on bullying prevention statewide.
The legislation, House Study Bill 525, is currently circulating in the House Education Committee and relates to state and school anti-harassment policies and professional conduct and ethics for school personnel. Not In Our Town Marshalltown chair Mike Schlesinger, also the publisher of the Marshalltown Times-Republican, offered the group’s input to the representatives tasked to the bill.