NIOT-Bowling Green convened its fourth annual interfaith breakfast affirming values of diversity and religious inclusion.
(Pictured: Speakers at the event via Twitter)
bowling green

Members of the Not In Our Town team will be joining the Not In Our Town group in Bowling Green, OH (NIOT BG) on Tuesday, April 14, to commemorate the second anniversary of Bowling Green State University’s NIOT campaign that sparked a thriving city-wide effort towards diversity and inclusion.
The event will premiere the film, A Bowling Green Legacy, which profiles how campus and community leaders came together after two racially-motivated hate incidents shook their town. Leaders from the Black Student Union and school administrators organized community meetings and launched a Not In Our Town campaign, which became a partnership between BGSU and the city.
After the screening, the City of Bowling Green, BGSU, and NIOT BG will welcome campus and community members to a discussion and open forum.

The Not In Our Town group in Bowling Green, OH swiftly responded to the Grand Jury's decision to not indict Officer Darren Wilson for the shooting death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, MO. Here's what the NIOT Committee had to say to its university and town network.

Not In Our Town Community Engagement Director Michelle Gahee Kloss appeared on WBGTV's North West Ohio Journal and talked to host Steve Kendall about the great work that Not In Our Town Bowling Green is doing.

Not In Our Town Bowling Green/BGSU is celebrating its first anniversary!
We'll be joining Bowling Green, Ohio on Tuesday, April 15 to commemorate BGSU and the city of Bowling Green’s decision to come together to ensure inclusion, diversity, and social justice thrives in their community.
The event will begin with a Diversity Showcase hosted by the Undergraduate Student Government and Graduate Student Senate with performances from singers, instrumentalists, rappers and spoken word poets.
Later on we’ll be Breaking Down The Walls in the Bowen-Thompson Student Union where you can join others telling their story, filling out a brick and breaking down the barriers to leave the past behind.
Finally, we’ll celebrate the one year anniversary of Bowling Green/BGSU Not In Our Town by recognizing Bowling Green's efforts. Speakers will include Not In Our Town producer Patrice O’Neill, BGSU president Mary Ellen Mazey, and Bowling Green Mayor Dick Edwards.