Activity Spotlight: Campus Climate Committee & Teacher Promise | Not in Our Town

Activity Spotlight: Campus Climate Committee & Teacher Promise

In addition to our films and resources, Not In Our School wants to share with you the inspiring practices of teachers and administrators who are bringing the anti-bullying mission to their classrooms and campuses. Today we spotlight the work of Abbott Middle School in San Mateo, CA.

Jordan Sher, Abbott Middle School, San Mateo, CA

Abbott Middle School has created a Campus Climate Committee with a range of exciting and interactive activities. As part of this work, Abbott teachers have also made a “promise” to support their students.

The Campus Climate Committee (CCC) includes students, parents, and teachers. The students developed activities to address areas of concern such as rumors, the isolation of bullied students, and being an upstander. The committee worked to promote awareness among students and staff on the problems that occur when bullying is left unchecked, and how to proactively engage in intervening.

Abbott teacher Jordan Sher shares their journey with us, walking us through recommended activities and a teacher promise that other schools can use and adapt. Read Sher's piece, "Creating a Campus Climate Committee" on


Since this article the Abbott Middle School CCC has committed to four new projects all of which will be linked to our "school climate change" initiative. 1. A mural that will be done on a wall at the school based on submissions of student/artists.  2. A contest that will solicit posters, homemade music videos, and poetry for display around the school.  3. A "Shattering Stereotypes" project based on the model posted on the NIOS website will be implemented.  4. A student-generated video will be created that focuses on a critical component of bully prevention.

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