Overwhelming support has poured in for Luke “Sasha” Fleischman, an agender high school student who was set on fire Monday night on an Oakland, CA bus.
Police arrested a 16-year-old Oakland student for the immolation, and announced on Thursday that he will be charged as an adult for a hate crime.
Sasha was wearing a skirt at the time of the attack, which friends and family fear may have been the reason Sasha was targeted. The teenage attacker later admitted that he did it because he was “homophobic,”
according to lead police investigator Anwawn Jones. Sasha is currently a high school senior in Berkeley, CA.
In less than a day after the attack, supporters came forward to help Sasha, who sustained third-degree burns and will require massive skin grafting.
Update Nov. 14: Show Your Support in Oakland
Not In Our Town and Not In Our School will be joining the Rainbow Road march today at 5:30 p.m. We invite all to come forward and support a safe and inclusive community for all.
Thursday 11/14 at MacArthur and Park 5:30pm
Walk the Rainbow Road
All are invited to a March from Oakland High School to Ardley Avenue on Thursday night at 5:30pm. Wear bright colors and bring a ribbon to add to each of the bus poles if you wish. Following the March we will have a spaghetti dinner to celebrate our diverse community and learn more about all of the spectrum of human diversity.
Sasha and their family are excited about a march—now we need lots of folks to make a difference—and media to tell the story of love and support. Please join us.
Meet at the corner of Park and Macarthur and walk to Ardley Avenue. Dinner is one block away at the corner of Woodruff and Excelsior on the ground floor of St. Paul Lutheran Church.
Come to the March only or the dinner only, as you wish. Just come. :) And tell your friends and others too.
Sasha's Father Talks About Gender
As we come together in the aftermath of this hate crime, this is also an opportunity to discuss the language and expectations we have around gender. Sasha's father, Karl Fleischman, expressed these words with his colleagues and allowed us to share it with you.
Another aspect of this story that has gotten a lot of attention is the fact that Sasha was wearing a skirt, "even though" Sasha appears to be a boy. The fact is, Sasha self-identifies as "agender, " and prefers the pronouns "they" , "them" , and "their" when people refer to Sasha in the third person. (English doesn't have commonly used gender-neutral third-person singular pronouns yet.) Being agender simply means that the person doesn't feel they are "either a boy or a girl." I realize this is a concept that even adults have difficulty wrapping their heads around. (My wife and I frequently slip up in our pronoun usage, much to Sasha's chagrin!) So I can't pretend that it's an issue that all young children will grasp. But what they certainly can and should understand is that different people like different things. Different people dress or behave or look differently. And that's a GOOD thing. Sasha feels comfortable wearing a skirt. It's part of their style. They also frequently sport a necktie and vest. Sasha likes the look, and frankly, so do I. It makes me smile to see Sasha being Sasha.
As I wrote above, none of us can know the mind of the kid who lit a flame to Sasha's skirt. But I have a feeling that if he had seen Sasha's skirt as an expression of another kid's unique, beautiful self, and had smiled and thought, "I hella love Oakland," I wouldn't be writing this now.
Show your support
If you're local, please join us today as we come together in Oakland. For everyone else, we still invite your messages of encouragement and support for Sasha, family, friends, and all who are targeted for their gender identity in the comments below. Messages will be forwarded to Sasha.
A few kind words can have a powerful impact. Let Sasha know that you care with a message below.
You be who you want to be and be proud. We are praying for you and sending support.
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry that this happened to you. I wish you a speedy and full recovery.
Thinking of you in Australia
Hi Sasha, so sorry to hear about what happened to you.
I wish you strength in your recovery and some solace that most people care and love, community and individual courage is always stronger than hate.
best wishes,
Anthony Kelly,
Melbourne Australia
Stay strong
Never let anyone, or anything, keep you from being who you are.
Sending love and thoughts of
Sending love and thoughts of healing both physically and emotionally to you and your family.
Sending wishes for your
Sending wishes for your speedy healing, both physically and emotionally, to you and your entire family.
Don't stay silent!!
I am truly sorry for what you have had to endure. My daughter was the target of a physical assault and cyber bullying, and we took the matter as high as we could. Charges were pressed, restraining orders were obtained and we feel safer and more empowered for speaking up and taking action. I will pray for your recovery. Take advantage of all resources available to you. Psychological discomforts will creep up; be sure to talk to a professional about them. And a TELL YOUR STORY!! I promise it will bring you comfort knowing you are able to help someone who might be experiencing the same (or similar) thing. Hugs from a stranger in California!!
Standing with Luke Sasha Fleischman
To Luke Sasha Fleischman, your family and friends:
I am holding you in my thoughts and prayers for a full recovery. My heart breaks that you must undergo hospitalization and surgery because of this profoundly cruel action by this troubled young man on the bus. I am thinking of your family and friends, too. May they surround you with love, care and support.
I am holding this young man who hurt you in my prayers as well for surely he is in need of help and prayer. I hope that he learns how wrong and harmful his actions were and that he never hurts anyone else again.
Please continue to be who you are, the wonderful person God has created you to be. Please do not allow the actions of this troubled person to detract from your heart and spirit. Sasha, know that there are many of us nearby and far away who are standing with you.
All the best,
Dr. Michael J. Adee, Santa Fe, New Mexico USA
Standing with Luke Sasha Fleischman
To Luke Sasha Fleischman, your family and friends:
I am holding you in my thoughts and prayers for a full recovery. My heart breaks that you must undergo hospitalization and surgery because of this profoundly cruel action by this troubled young man on the bus. I am thinking of your family and friends, too. May they surround you with love, care and support.
I am holding this young man who hurt you in my prayers as well for surely he is in need of help and prayer. I hope that he learns how wrong and harmful his actions were and that he never hurts anyone else again.
Please continue to be who you are, the wonderful person God has created you to be. Please do not allow the actions of this troubled person to detract from your heart and spirit. Sasha, know that there are many of us nearby and far away who are standing with you.
All the best,
Dr. Michael J. Adee, Santa Fe, New Mexico USA
You are a hero...
for having the courage to be yourself.
You'll get through this.
Sending hugs for a speedy recovery.
Stay strong
Stay strong
I am so sorry that you had to endure this violence and hatred. Praying for you, your family and friends. You are loved!
Love & Light
Sending healing energy your way and praying for a speedy recovery.
Please stay who you are!
Much Love <3
Sending healing thoughts to you and your family
To Sasha and family:
I am so sorry that this happened to you. I can only imagine how terrifying and painful this experience has been for you. Wishing you as speedy a recovery as possible. There are so many people you've never even met who are sending support and caring thoughts your way.
hey. I am sending you complete love and light and healing. Your pain will not be in vain, but I am so sorry you have to endure it. You are a brave and beautiful soul, and I know angels of love are perched all around you. Thank you for having the courage to be yourself:) Love and Light God speed to you my friend. Love Jessica
hey. I am sending you complete love and light and healing. Your pain will not be in vain, but I am so sorry you have to endure it. You are a brave and beautiful soul, and I know angels of love are perched all around you. Thank you for having the courage to be yourself:) Love and Light God speed to you my friend. Love Jessica
Sasha,I hope you are making
I hope you are making a good recovery. I want you to know that the world is filled with people who will defend your right to wear whatever you want -- and the right to be YOU.
Do not let the actions of one troubled person take away what you were born with - your dignitiy as a human.
Thoughts and prayers are
Thoughts and prayers are with you.
Support and prayers from
Support and prayers from Medellin Colombia.
be brave.
All my support from France.
All my support from France. I wish you to forget one day this attack and to recover fast.
Much love to you!
Our family and friends send you love, healing and support. A speedy recovery!
Love Light and Prayers
Sending you healing light, love and prayers! God bless you and keep you . You are beautiful. Stay strong and love yourself more than ever. Peace!
Get better soon!
Sasha - I am so very sorry to hear about what happened to you, and I pray that your body and your spirit will heal with time. Be proud of who you are and don't let viscious people bring you down. Keep your head up!! Sending lots of warmth and love to you.
Get better soon!
Sasha - I am so very sorry to hear about what happened to you, and I pray that your body and your spirit will heal with time. Be proud of who you are and don't let viscious people bring you down. Keep your head up!! Sending lots of warmth and love to you.
Get well and be strong
Dear Sasha, Be strong in who you are. Get well and heal fast. Many people are with you and wishing you well. We live and work for the day when this sort of hatred is a thing of the past. Keep fighting.
Prayers & Wishes for a Speedy Recovery
Sasha, so sorry to hear of this terrible attack against you. My prayers for your speedy recovery!
You are beautiful
God bless you Sasha. The vibrations of Peace and Love are here for you always. Be well, my friend.
Hate is one moment, Love lasts a lifetime
Please do not loose hope. Stay strong, fight to become healthy again. You are special the way you are. You are beautiful the way you are. You are you. Don't let idiots take that away from you. Be proud!
Much love,
Andrea (from Berlin, Germany)
Sending You Healing
May you heal completely from this and go on to be the strong special person you are meant to be. Take in the love and help of your community - those you know and those who you will never know, but send their love and healing wishes to you and your family at this difficult time.
I don't know what I could
I don't know what I could type in a comment box that would show how sorry I am that this happened to you. I hope you make people think about how to teach children to love and accept each other. I hope I always do the same.
Dear one , I was so sad to hear about the horrific attack. I am so sorry you experienced this. What a brave person you are. Stay strong and know that there are so many sending you love and light.May your healing be swift. May you know only kindness . With love.
Wishing you a speedy recovery
I know that saying I'm sorry for what happened to you will not take it away nor the pain. But I am deeply sorry. People near and far are keeping you in their thoughts, sending you positive energy, and hoping for you to have a very speedy recovery. I am one of those people! I want to thank you for being so brave and for being who you are. This world needs more courageous and confident people like you in it. :)
Please know that you are in my heart and thoughts.
Warmest of wishes from the sunshine state,
So sorry for what happened to you. You have lots of folks praying for you!
Sasha, it breaks my heart to
Sasha, it breaks my heart to think of what you are going through. It takes a lot of courage to be yourself, especially when you don't meet our rigid gender definitions. Your differences should be appreciated, not punished. You should be respected, not harmed. I admire your courage and wish you a quick and full recovery. Stay strong and heal well. Thinking of you.
Love to Sasha
My dearest child, hugs to you and those that love and care for you. My heart goes out to you and I send healing vibes to you in hopes that you heal both inner and outer wounds faster than anyone's ever seen before! <3 Stay strong and be yourself!!
haters goin' hate
Yo bro, don't let people get you down. The world is a wonderful place, but many seem to take it upon themselves to pull everyone to their level. Don't listen to them, and don't worry. You are who you are, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. I wore a dress to class once, and it gave me a little window into the looks people give those they don't understance.
I'm thankful you are still alive.
I'm thankful that you have friends, family and a community that supports you.
I'm thankful you are you.
Stay strong!
Love and Light
The world is filled with people who will support you and bear witness to what happened to you.
Sending you love and light from St. Louis, MO
Dear Sasha,I am so, so
Dear Sasha,
I am so, so sorry for what has happened to you and I hope with all my heart that you are healing in both body and mind. Don't lose hope. I am sending love and strength your way. You have a whole lifetime of love and adventure ahead of you.
Love, love, love
I am sending you all the love in the world. You are beauitful,
My heart is with you and
My heart is with you and your family. As the mother of a five-year-old transgender child also named Sasha, my heart hurts all the more that this world is so full of intolerance, ignorance, violence and hate. Take care.
Dear Sasha,I am so happy
Dear Sasha,
I am so happy you are alive! Big hugs and lots of love!
I embrace you
Hi Sasha,
I wish I could put my arms around you as a (surrogate) sister and mother. I dressed in white tie and tails in high school, and suffered. I'm not thinking now of my pain, but of yours, You're brave and real and a hero. Please know that you're now in the deepest depth, where your compaions are the most stupid, ignorant, scared, bigoted. Get through this time. You WILL shine. xoxo Freya
Get Well Soon
Wishing you a speedy recovery both physically and emotionally. Sending positive thoughts. My daughter rides the 57 line all the time. Wanting AC Transit and all of the East Bay and all of the world to be a safe place for LGBT folks. One of my friends is subbing for your Mom. I teach in OUSD also. Oakland teachers care about you.
What happened to you is
What happened to you is beyond belief, but sadly there is so much hate in the world, and many young people walking around with severe conduct disorders. That combined with ignorance is a very dangerous combonation. I am so glad this very morally corrupt person will be tried as an adult.
May you heal quickly physically and have all the support and love you need to heal emotionally as well. It will be a process, but I know that you are a very brave person, who is determined to make the world a better place! I know you will take this experience with you to harness more energy and passion to stand up for the things that matter most to you!
Many people hold you dear to their hearts right now, and are here cheering you on in spirit.
I wish I could give you a hug, a hundred dollars, & a helicopter
and together we could go around speaking against hateful behavior
Stay Strong
Hi Sasha,
I admire your courage to express yourself and be who you are at such a young age. That tells me that you are a strong individual who is not afraid to handle tough situation.
I am sorry for such random act of hate. Stay strong just like you have been and never give up. You are beautiful inside and out.
right the way you are
A big hug for you ((((((Sasha))))) Don't let this awful experience put you down. You're right the way you are, and let nobody convince you otherwise! You're in my thoughts, and I wish you a full recovery.
love, Esther
Redwood City, CA
Be Brave
I am so incredibly sorry that there are still people in the world who have so much hate in their hearts. I am even more sorry that you, perfect in every way, had to encounter one of these people. Please never believe that this in any way was your fault or that you deserved this. No one deserves to be targeted this way. You a perfect just the way that God made you. Be brave, Sasha, and speak out. But forgive if you can, too, so your heart can heal. I hope your wounds heal quickly, and that you can embrace this as an opportunity to inspire so many young people like you. I know you have insipred me. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Sending love and warm wishes your way always.
Hi Sasha!
Hey Sasha,
I'm so sorry to hear about what those awful people did to you! You are wonderful just the way you are, and what they did was wrong. Keep being you, because you are one of the reasons why this world is so great and the world needs you!
Sending you lots of healing thoughts and love,
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