There’s been so many wonderful things happening in the Not In Our Town network, that we wanted to share them with all of you. Here’s a sampling from the past few months.

Lauri Massari, who spearheaded the Not In Our School campaign in Antelope Valley, penned this great article, “Teaching emotional intelligence,” in the May/June issue of Leadership, the magazine of the Association of California School Administrators. In the article, she talks about emotional intelligence and her work with the Del Sur Middle School True Leaders program.
Karen Murphy, Marty Sleeper and Margot Stern Strom mention Not In Our Town in an article in the April issue of the International Schools Journal. Their article, “Facing History and Ourselves in Post-Conflict Societies” references how Facing History and Ourselves teachers in South Africa screened Not In Our Town after an outbreak of xenophobia and violence in the country.
Not In Our Town groups in New York, Montana, California, New Jersey, Colorado and Idaho
Not In Our Town-Rockland County responded to a May 15 article on, “Ramapo police search for man who knocked down Jewish teen.” Read their opinion piece, “Coalition won’t tolerate hate,” here.
Not In Our Town Billings held its annual fundraising event. Watch the video from KULR8.

Not In Our Town Princeton hosted another event in its “Continuing Conversations on Race” series. The June 6 topic was “Conversation about the relationships among diversity, privilege and power.” Representatives from Not in Our Town Princeton also distributed signs that read "We Are Standing Against Racism Today and Every Day" to local merchants who were observing Stand Against Racism day, sponsored by the Princeton YWCA. More than 120 merchants now have these signs in their windows. For more information visit the NIOT Princeton webpage.
The Fort Collins Not In Our Town Alliance member Lester Washington made a tribute to retiring NIOTA member Hal Mansfield in the NIOTA Soapbox Column in the Coloradan on June 1.
The Idaho Public Television special, “The Color of Conscience,” tells the story of the Aryan Nations in North Idaho and how a group of human rights leaders brought it down. The documentary features the courageous work of the Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations and member Tony Stewart, also a leader in the Not In Our Town community.
Inspired by Not In Our Town: Young Adult Fiction and Song

On June 12, the Seattle Jewish Chorale’s third annual concert, “L’Chaim: Songs for Life,” included lullabies, love songs, and a dramatic composition, “Not In Our Town,” which told the story of how Billings, MT stood up for their Jewish neighbors amid violence and bigotry.
Edgar Allen Poe Award! Way to go!!
Great to see people coming together.
Great update! Looking forward to these meetings!
Amazing! Not In Our Town has
Amazing! Not In Our Town has already given a lot of beautiful changes to a lot of states! Keep it up, guys!
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